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Monday 11 April 2016

Send your pro EU leaflet back to the PM, a great idea! & will it rain won't it rain ?

The PM's "tax crisis" makes the front page again but the main story sounds like it will make the Brexits happy over their wheatybags at breakfast this morning.  
The Dutch voted by a two thirds majority to reject what is being described as a "land grab deal" by EU mandarins.  The EU mandarins did it anyway in defiance of the Dutch people.  There is talk of the Dutch wanting the UK to vote to leave the EU just to show that the Brussels regime is corrupt
Brexit campaigners have come up with a great idea of what to do with the pro EU leaflet that will be sent to everyone soon.  People are being urged to post them back to the PM at "Number 10" - - - thats where mine will be going - - - 
I'm always puzzled when i see people glued to their phones all the time but this is just plain crazy! - - - I like my gizmo's and gadgets as much as the next person but why do you need something like a watch to tell you you have just received an e mail on your the phone in your pocket, or even in the hand that has the The Microsoft Band 2 on it.  
It has a plethora of sensors to tell you your heart rate temperature etc !!!! come on! your'e either well or your not! 
The review in the link above is not convincing and has a couple of spelling errors and when the writer pens, "its incredibly useful" i get the impression he's being paid to say it!  at £199.99 i don't think i'll be getting one.  does this finally prove I'm getting too old for some of this stuff !?
 We watched most of the Paris-Roubaix yesterday and it was a classic case of wrong place wrong time for Sagan and Cancellara who looked to be the pre race favourites.  With crashes splitting up the peloton victory was left to a small number of riders who kept clear of the carnage at the head of the race.  At the final lap of the Roubaix velodrome i was hoping the Sky rider Ian Stannard might take victory but it was Hayman and Boonon who managed to take first and second a bike length in front of the Sky rider - - - a great race to watch! 
It was a bit of a lazy day yesterday because the whole of the bike race was being shown and the programme started before 09:30! I did manage a short walk first thing  
 not much of a view as i set off and the Temp is just scraping above zero  
 up near the pond still not mush visibility 
 and the same situation on the golf course 
 down by the river and its looking like the fog is finally lifting quite quickly now
a few more ransom flowers are open but still not enough to spot right away 
 the river looks to be at the usual level today 
 and finally the view across the river with the vis now quite good 
this parking spot is next to our multi million £ cycle track and was just a patch of mud not long ago.  One of the 2 houses behind me had this patch used for sheds chickens rabbits and a kids play area but the encroachment was swept aside when the track came along.  I don't suppose they will complain about the 5 star parking area though! - - - 
we have had some very light rain and with the direction of travel being SE to NW i reckon we might just get a scattered shower or 2 from the stuff to the South of us today as it moves around 
 the Temp is a little milder than the same time yesterday and the Bar Tendency has a bright note to it 
the weathercam has a little mist about but i feel sure it wont hang around for much longer.  Forecasters are not in agreement about today's local weather so lets take a punt myself.  It should get bright for a while between 11: and 14:30 but i think the clouds might roll in and spoil the game! Rain? of course it will - - - lol  

Enjoy the day 
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