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Tuesday 12 April 2016

MP's "doth protest too loudly methinks" & another grey start to the day

More Tax haven backlash as MP's fight to save face TJ's wife loses the battle but the "Boss" remains aloof to it all, thank goodness there is a stabilizing influence in this country! - - - 
Eurosceptics are likening the PM's pro EU leaflet idea to Mugabe tactics - - - funny 
this story covers other MP's  scramble to lay bare their willingness to pay tax, like the rest of us, well some of us, - - - reminds me of "The lady (MP's in this case) doth protest too much methinks"  
This selfie video from Sky News  has to be seen to be believed,  a young girl on a snowboard with her "video selfie" running and headphones on glides effortlessly down a mountainside completely oblivious to the fact that she is being actively pursued by a bear.  a must see - - -
I managed a bit of background work on the book yesterday and am hoping that by the end of the month i will know which direction to take it.  I'm still in limbo about publishing the whole thing in one or splitting off a particular, maybe more saleable portion first.
I have been somewhat distracted for nearly a week now as Sally has been battling with a rather debilitating viral infection which has laid her low.  "On the cusp" last night her temperature did not approach the 39.9c of previous evenings so "touch wood" she is over the worst although once over the "bug" i'm going to encourage her to take a week off to make sure - - -
I managed a short walk yesterday, only very locally around the fields
 i spotted this group of "tups" in a field at my furthest point of the walk all munching away on the plentiful grass
 quite a grey sky as i walk down the field to the river

 the level is a little higher than "normal" and this pinch point makes it look like a mini rapid
 still fascinated by this bridge which i must have walked past numerous times but only spotted last time out
 the ducks in the photo are Mandarins and i spotted a number of pairs on this stretch of the river yesterday, they have become a common sight on the river
 still very grey as i reach my end point
literally turning around from the last photo its impossible not to spot the "feverish activity" on our multimillion £ cycle path.  I cant imagine the cost of hiring all these machines let alone the people to operate them.  I wander off wondering how they might meet their deadline of July to finish the thing.  A kilometer further on is a swampy patch of some hundreds of metres which has to have a raised deck laid and apart from some surveyors stakes nothing seems to be going on there? - - -
there's some rain around on the netweather radar but with the wind coming form the SW i dont see us getting any of the current display
 a mild Temp to start the day after some overnight rain
the weathercam shows another grey aspect and the "seaweed" is grouped together as if its still a little damp from the rain, not a breath of wind about just now .  Today's forecast is telling us of a sunny couple of hours in the middle of the day and a max Temp of 12C
 Mr Robin once again looking for some breakfast just now
Enjoy the day 
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