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Saturday 16 April 2016

Express "Vote Leave" campaign kicks off & we have 2 Apricots

A crusade by the Express to get us out of the EU kicks off in style! - - - here's hoping for a successful campaign - - - 
The Mirror front page story about Wogan ruining the show from the Swedish Eurovision boss is a bit of a laugh, the story quotes that he "should get a sense of humour" as celebs rush to defend Wogan, - - - the show has long been more of a farce than an actual competition - - - 
The big blob of rain to our South has been responsible for dropping 8.8mm on us overnight but its looking clear upwind (North) at the moment
 the predicted cold spell kicked off overnight with a low of 2.5c and with a max of 5c today its going to feel pretty cold all day 
 Not a bad looking picture on the weathercam just now.  The cloud is forecast to clear by the end of the day and bring a low of minus 2 overnight 
With it being so cold overnight i might cover my sweet pea seedling even though they are in the greenhouse or it might even be time to dust off the paraffin heater! 
I noticed that our Apricot in the top greenhouse had one or two tiny fruit on it yesterday 
I think these 2 might the sum total! but at least its 2 more than last year.  Even with the rather mild winter most of the blossom just fell to the ground maybe next year it might be worth wrapping up the branches.  
I'm retiring an old desktop machine running XP in the next couple of days I got it for nothing and its done well considering its age.  The replacement is a Dell optiplex running Windows 7 so i'm hoping for a bit better performance than the old machine 
My morning playing around with the router yesterday was fruitful i managed to line up all the settings and after a couple of hours fiddling all the connected machines could be seen.  I rebooted it and they all promptly disappeared!  
Enjoy the day 
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