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Tuesday 19 April 2016

Another Alzheimers cure & cold logging for me

New research  suggests a daily injection of a protein called IL-32 can reverse Alzheimers, unfortunately it will be another 5 years before its available - - - 
This cute little kitten, named Bellini dumped just a few days old some time ago has turned out to be a bit of a marvel it has both male and female genitalia ! - - - its currently in the hands of the Cats Protection and looking for a home, i don't think it will be looking for long - - - 
I decided to do a little logging yesterday as the weather didn't look too bad 
 I'm half way through cutting down one of these clusters of hawthorn bushes.  They are nice and "pole like" so make good firewood.  They are generally all entangled so its rather labour intensive but hey i'm not on piece work  
 the bits are thrown at the end of the stash 
and its not long before they are stacked. I noticed most of the sheep are in the field now close to my work no doubt they are in there to lamb.  Once i'm finished its getting cold in the wind so i scurry off home - - - 
very cold out this morning as the dawn breaks but no chance of any rain with the clear sky just now 
the weathercam shows the beautiful clear sky this morning and it won't be long before the sun is in the valley and warming things up 
The Jackdaws have discovered that i have reverted to an older peanut feeder and with their dexterity at full blast they can get the nuts out through the elongated gaps in the feeder 
Enjoy the day 
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