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Friday 8 April 2016

PM's offshore and all at sea!, while others "get away with it" & a trip into the past and Cyril steers a smooth course around the potholes

T'Daaaaaaaaa! is anyone really surprised?  really? 
Richard Littlejohn has a great article on "who the celeb" isnt? in his Mail column its all surrounding a famous "high profile celeb" whos been cheating on his, "equally famous wife".  The information is freely available in the US. In the UK however, after an appeal the law courts ruled it would be "devastating for the claimant" and his need for privacy was greater than the right to publish - - - in the big scheme of things,  does ANYONE except the "bozo" really give a ----?  - - - 
 To bring a touch of reality to today's news i offer this story from Cheltenham
Devastating scenes in Cheltenham  RIP KFC - - - however, just to put things back into perspective in this "disposable world" we appear to be levered towards in the "social media" controlling option some of us readily accept
This young man has just killed his girlfriend in a car crash, a witness alleges he was racing at the time" but appearing in court he was for some inexplicable reason spared a custodial sentence. On his "Facebook" he puts - - - not some heart rending apology to his girlfriend and her family but, "sh*t happens" - - - ====================================================

I had been given a whole host of back copies of a "particular journal" when i was on "a mission" not too long ago and I sat down in the morning yesterday because the weather forecast indicated rain - - - the rain didn't come but my diligence was worth the 4 hour trip into the past. 
Like most of "these type" of publication humour is to the fore but in taking the time to go through them i picked up the "odd gem" that will be levered into my book.  
I got to drive Cyril with his "new part" and did notice a distinct difference as i negotiated the potholes between here and Chesterfield. After visiting that holy of holy's "man cave" Screwfix i sallied around Aldi and saved £130!  - - - well i didn't exactly "SAVE" £130,  the item i had been eyeing up on 2 previous trips had been sold! I always scan the things they have on sale other than the outrageously "much cheaper than anywhere else food" and its an array of mind boggling things that you have to ask yourself, "Why, what, would, i want one of those, before you put something in the trolley that you cant get anywhere else! - - - 
There's just the odd blob of rain around at the moment but its not looking to bad an outlook for today 
 just a tad warmer this morning than yesterday and no breeze to speak of a the moment, The Bar. tendency looks encouraging
the weathercam is once again on the grey side but the forecast is for little chance of anything but the odd shower throughout today. 
Enjoy the day
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