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Thursday 7 April 2016

More Diabetes warnings & Cyril lives to fight another day!

The Express tells us all to Get fit to beat diabetes the bit underneath about "millions given stark warning" makes me wonder just who is telling whom? from the looks of "some" punters no-one appears to be listening!  The first photo in the article is also food for thought, on the left is a bloke with an obvious weight problem while the woman on the right who appears to be injecting herself looks for all the world like she is in dire need of a good meal? - - - 
This had to come! amusing, in light of the offshore account "expose", Those pictured might have offshore accounts but to describe some as "celeb" is a downright lie! lol - - - 
this photo fronts the Telegraph article about why we should stay in the EU.  Its about a pamphlet which will be on its way to us all and is being funded to the tune of £9m+ by the Gov  in as much as its ourselves who are paying for it! - - - no doubt too late a story last night to hit the papers it might feature tomorrow - - - 
I had an idea yesterday might be a bit of a showery day but determined to stride the local hills i set forth 
 starting off by the river i snapped the Ransoms and noticed that there are a few flower buds showing 
 after panting up the Peak Tor hill i spotted these highland cattle who, obviously, are not deterred by the keen wind blowing and rain on the horizon some distance away 
 its looking good off to the North, off to the West i spot some rain clouds 
 the sun is still shining as i reach the Nine Ladies circle 
 On the way down some 5 minutes later the rain envelopes me but its only an isolated shower 
 a little way down the road the annual show of these mini daffs in this pasture field is beginning to get to its best 
 in a roundabout way i'm headed for the hillside opposite 
 once over there i look around the felled area that i have been observing for a while and can see no machines. I wonder if "thats it" or might they return when the rather wet hillside dries out a bit in Summer? 
 at the pond the rain again is present 
a quick look over the wall at these young lambs then a hasty descent back home 
later with the weather a little better i decide to try a little logging 
the repaired maul is waiting for me and it looks pretty good 
 after wrapping some anti vibration material and duct tape around the pipe handle it proves effective! I'm getting a new one anyway but this one will be great for the more stubborn bits of wood! 
 with the sun out its time to split some wood 
after an hour or so and with the mornings walk i decide i have done enough today 
returning home i spot Cyril the van being parked up outside the repair shop and walk across later to enquire about "the damage" 
he lives to fight another day! the enthusiasm of the repair shop boss earlier in the day when i dropped him off, "steering rack? nah most likely the thing that goes on top of it" is however unfounded as he rubs his chin and says "Steering rack i'm afraid" 
In true local garage flavour they let me take him even though the bill is not ready, it'll be next wednesday when i have to "bite the bullet" - - - 
after some pretty spectacular rain early yesterday evening when my new "seaweed" did actually drip, today looks like it might bring some of the same 
 the Netweather rain radar display has this huge blob approaching us, even with the NW airflow we look to be in for a fair slice of this in the next hour or so 
 As predicted the Temp is on the way down again and the Bar tendency is reporting the coming rain 
A very grey sky on the weathercam also doesnt hold out much in the way of any sunshine until the current cloud formation passes us by. There's only going to be a max Temp of 10c today and maybe, just maybe a chance of some sunshine late afternoon 
Enjoy the day
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