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Monday 4 April 2016

Cheap Mediterranean holidays this year & Moving the Azalea

The Express headline is hardly a surprise considering  the present terrorist situation, what is however, is that prices in European, especially Mediterranean resorts are much cheaper than previous years - - - 
this photo fronts a story about yesterdays weather which was not as forecast.  I checked the morning Metcheck forecast which indicated rain almost any time of day.  The weather had other ideas and it tunred out to be quite a nice day.  This mail story puts a dampener on the double figure Temps by telling us that Saharan dust is on its way to up the pollution rates - - - 
We had had a job on our "to do" list in the garden for a while 
 in the green pot is an Azalea which one of our more considerate neighbours from No 5 gave us when they moved.  We had put it the pot years ago and reckoned it should be in the ground to show its best potential.  Sitting beside the pond having a cup of tea a "sudden surge of enthusiasm" for the job took hold and off we went   
 not realising that Azaleas don't have deep routes it was a surprise how easy it came out of the pot and Sally set to teasing out the roots from the tight ball they were in  
 while i sorted out its new place next to the miniature apple tree
 Tadaa! done and time for another tea by the pond 
 looking under the bridge i could see a large blob of frog spawn attached to one of the pumps so i took it out and cleaned it off.  That inspired me to also clean the sponges in the filters because they do get lots of gunge on them this time of year.  
 almost a double figure Temp this morning, we haven't seen that in a while! 
still looking a bit grey on the weathercam because its not fully light yet.  The forecast is for rain, once again today, i wonder if it will be correct? 
Enjoy the day
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