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Saturday 23 April 2016

President Obama talks out of turn - - again! & Free wood for me

The Express quite rightly gives front page prominence to President Obama's outrageous speech/lecture on the question of the UK leaving the EU - - - 
This short video is worth watching  it shows how a tornado rips through this shop in Uruguay and destroys it in seconds 
I had missed a phone call from Jim our friend who owns the land i go logging on.  As i was going up there anyway yesterday i popped into the house to be told there was "free wood" to be had 
 sure enough when i got down to my area I could see men and machines a 100 metres away 
 It turns out they are from the electricity company and are getting rid of the thorn bushes and trees underneath their electricity wires.  The trees form an avenue that i have to drive through when i bring Boris down the hill and i have always had to trim them every year to stop his paintwork getting scratched. I had thought i might one day get rid of them but hey ho its been done! 
 during one of their breaks i wandered over and had a chat and could see all the bits of trunk lying about.  They had been told by Jim that i would get rid of it for them 
they had a very sophisticated tracked branch chewer and it can be seen here in operation on their last tree 
 I had a go at one of the clumps of hawthorn trees 
and after stacking them up headed home 
we popped out for lunch and it was warm enough to sit outside although the photo does look a little dark.  The clouds had cleared by the time we ordered and we enjoyed lunch in the sunshine.  The rest of the afternoon was spent pottering - - - 
As forecast its quite cold this morning with a frost 
The weathercam gives a good view of the sun on the other side of the valley and the bank of cloud moving in from the North West doesn't look too threatening.  In the forecasts for today there is talk of some sleet or snow but not until late afternoon.  - - - 
Enjoy the day 
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