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Saturday 30 April 2016

Chocolate to fight Diabetes - - & - - Frost damage in the garden on the last day of April

Enjoy the day 
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The Express headline seems a strange one this morning, but this study has shown that eating 100g of dark chocolate a day can curb diabetes and heart disease risk - - - however it does say later in the article "physical activity, diet and other lifestyle factors must be carefully balanced to avoid detrimental weight gain over time" - - - 
I like the front page of the Independent this morning about the, Jewish Problem that Labour as a party have.   JC will need to muster his powers to slap this down and get back to throwing rocks at the Brexit campaigners - - - This story also in the Independent  is indicating that the country is 50/50 over brexit but a strong turnout by the old and bold on the day might tip it to an Leave vote - - - 
With it being the last day of April you would expect us to be out of the throes of winter but as we all know its been a very cold few days to see out the month 
 as we arrived for lunch yesterday at our usual spot the snow is coming in on the wind  
by the time we walk the few yards to the door it is upon us.  It was only a brief shower but they kept rolling in as we ate our lunch.  The rest of the afternoon was much of the same 
 the vine leaves on the right look to be frosted even in the greenhouse 
we put a bay in there because for some unknown reason they keep out the white fly this one is having a herd time and might not survive  
 out in the garden the daffs have almost finished but the frost always makes them hang their heads 
 the quince flowers are covered with frost but they should be OK
 the plants we took out of the pond last Autumn and put in a spot at the top of the garden are also covered with frost and will probably die back before long 
down at the bottom of the garden the pear only has this one bunch of blossom on it, after having zero last year.  Its in a bit of a sheltered spot so it might be ok but the young leaves look a little curled up! - - - 
not too much in the way of precipitation on the Netweather display this morning, we might get away with a dry cold morning at least 
 Still below freezing at the moment after an overnight min of -1.4c.  The Bar. Tendency looks promising! 
the weathercam has a nice sunny aspect to start the its looking like i might go and finish off the last of those pole like hawthorns on my current logging area 

Friday 29 April 2016

Want a longer life? - Work for it - - &- - Colder than Finland in Darley Dale

Enjoy the day 
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The Express sports a story, cant seem to find it on their website, about another claim by "scientists" to a healthier lifestyle, Mmmmmmm.  Fern Britton claims hitting 60 holds no fear for her, and why should it?  and Ken Livingstone is suspended over the Labour Party anti Semitism furore - - - all in all a slack news day i reckon! 
with the Bank Holiday amongst us its time for the usual travel chaos  delays of 90 minutes on the roads are predicted and the railways have the Bank Holiday signalling works to slow down their network.  Cheap flights, Canada one way £125 as well as some cheap European routes are drawing the crowds to the airports.  So with the weather already cold and wet we must be set for a Bumper Bank Holiday ! 
Not being able to remember how to change the start up photo on my digital camera i googled and tripped over over this article about how a person starting up his own business messed (not his word for it) up his life.  Interesting marketing concept! - - - some great one liners! - - - 
flicking through my early morning round of webcams, yes sad i know but there we go!  i noticed it is actually warmer in Finland than in Darley Dale this road cam has the Temp displayed in the top right corner, currently 6.8c while here its 1.9c ! 
the current Netweather radar display looks as if Scotland have had a worse night than anyone in the UK, while we look to be in for a wetting quite soon. 
 and there we are a Temp of 1.9c with an overnight Min of -2.1c i think we can kiss good bye to the fruit blossom this year! 
the weathercam shows the gathering clouds ahead of the next shower of precipitation.  If you loook carefully on the right edge of the photo and just below my seaweed, there are patches of snow on the hills at 292 metres (958 ft) and it looks to be down to around the 250m level! - - - thank goodness we have lots of wood for the log burner !! - - - 
i caught this pigeon at the birdfeeder yesterday trying to figure out the peanut feeder! 

Thursday 28 April 2016

Alzheimers cure still 5 years away & LM has a rabbit for breakfast

This Alzheimers cure at last is another 5 years away and is linked to the use of a common diabetes drug.  The story has been widely reported before - - - 
Here's a potted history of the rise of the diesel car  quite interesting to read the facts for a change, it is however all disguised to show that Brexit Boris had it right all those years ago about the dirty diesel emissions! - - -
We made a trip down to see No 1 Daughter (the elder) yesterday and had a very pleasant lunch in her local gastro pub, its quite an amusing place with locals swigging pints at the bar and diners being served, almost, nouvelle cuisine dishes, Driving back home we were surrounded by all kinds of isolated weather systems and just about managed to escape most of them!
Last night LM delivered a bird to the foot of the stairs around midnight by way of a snack
but waited until 05:30 before he brought in the main dish of his busy night!

There's a great display on the Netweather rain radar display, well it could also be snow, this morning.  Looking outside just now its not a bad start but in the photo above we are the little red spot bottom right and we have a fair sized blob approaching from Manchester right now.  But with the weather coming form top left of the photo its a good bet later on today that we are in for some wet and possibly windy weather. 
 we have a hard frost this morning with a min Temp overnight of -2.1c its beginning to warm up already
the sky on the weathercam isn't quite as grey as it looks but the cloud is making it look that way.  We might be spared too much bad weather once the rain gets to us this morning but later in the day things could develop to be quite worth watching - - - 
Enjoy the day 
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Or this one just to see the Live Birdfeeder and Weather Webcams

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Cyclo cross cheater unmasked & Snow yesterday for us!

Back to the health kicks on the front of the Express this morning, the headline says a new cholesterol busting drug it will be "available in months" the text says "with further work we might get to a point where it can replace or lower the dose of statins - - - The snowy picture on the lower part of the front page alleges Britain will be colder than Siberia - - - I dont think so! 
A Belgian women elite cyclist has been banned for 6 six years after an electric motor was found hidden in her competition bike . the 19 year old was unmasked as a cheat at the world cyclo cross event in January.  The motor was discovered by officials using a scanning device.  - - - there is an interesting video explaining how they work and a demo of how an ordinary person can chop 4 minutes of a hill climb test using the motor 
With the cold weather well and truly set for the last couple of days it was bright and sunny yesterday so after checking the rain radar and not seeing any around i opted to go and recover some more free wood 
this pile and another off shot filled Boris for one trip.  Returning the second time i noticed there was the odd flake of snow coming from a passing cloud!
 sure enough a couple of hours later the sleety snow was sweeping down the valley, by this time i was doing some work on the book 
i popped out into the garden to catch it but it was almost over as soon as it had arrived. 
this morning its very frosty and the weathercam shows a clear sky and a setting moon 
The radar display is similar to yesterdays with scattered blobs of rain/snow about. The wet weather is approaching from WNW so we might not get any for a few hours.
 The Temp is falling now that dawn is here, no doubt the sun will reverse that shortly
the weathercam still shows the moon setting and a lovely clear sky.  The forecast is indicating a slight but increasing chance of some wet weather after lunch - - -
Enjoy the day 
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Tuesday 26 April 2016

Marathon tragedy and cheaters & good but cold weather today?

Straying away from their usual, miracle cure, the Express this morning highlights the dangers of taking a cocktail of drugs to relieve arthritis pain.  The front page also covers the death of Death of David Seath   during Sundays London Marathon
Another London Marathon story is of Natasha Argent sister of some, Celeb or other, who is now accused of cheating in the race.  Her time sheet does not record a number of electronic stations during the race and she finished in a very fast time - - -
Even with the sleety rain coming on and off i decided to do my Round Robin walk yesterday. I think i deserved it after working on the corrections the agent did in my book.  It didn't feel too cold as i set off but i realised early on that gloves would have been a good idea!
 a very grey photo looking over Peak Tor into the weather

 looking South down the valley near my highest point of the walk its still fully clouded over
 its ok for you in your woolly jumper i mused
 by the time i got to the fish pond it was raining and sleeting quite well
 the View NW at the golf course was of small bands of sleety snow sweeping from left to right in the distance
 getting back down to River level the rain was still going as i hurried home
 the cold weather has stopped the ransoms producing more flowers and the ones out are few and far between
 the previous number of days being dry have meant the river level is quite low
 but this intrepid fly fisherman is up to his waste in the river looking for fish
 one last look across the river
and i snap this photo of the once muddy car parking area outside the 2 houses at Nanny Goats Crossing before wandering home - - -
With the weather approaching us from the NNW once again it doesn't look as bad as yesterdays display that had a long line of rain blobs just waiting to visit us.
 Its cold once again this morning but the prospects for today dont look as bad as they did yesterday
the weathercam looks pretty good right now.  Do I log or not today, might wait a little longer before I decide - -  -The forecast goes against the rain display above by indicating rain any-time from 09:00 to 18:00 we shall see - - - 
Enjoy the day 
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