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Saturday 21 November 2015

The slushy snow has arrived & we move a little wood

This was the precipitation radar pic around 05:20 showing us to be in the middle (under the arrow) of a large patch of rain/sleet/snow with the wind driving it down from the North 
It looked quite promising at around 04:40 when it was snowing quite well but it quickly turned slushy and is really just raining now 
The http://www.xcweather.co.uk/  pic shows the Northerly wind having taken over and its reportedly -8c on top of Cairngorm inScotland.  Down here at present its almost 2c.  The trend is for this weather to hang around until Monday then get a little milder but probably staying wet and windy 
 having promised Sally's sister another load of wood we decided to deliver some yesterday before the snowy cold weather arrived.  Having negotiated the top gate with Napkin and Bertie scrabbling for ginger biscuits we park up by one pile and Bertie takes an interest in Boris's mudflap
 Sally loads a bag of wood while Bertie nibbles some grass, Napkin is round the side of Boris 
 the weather doesn't look too threatening yet 
 fully loaded i look down to my logging area and am wondering when i might get back to felling a tree or two 
Sally keeps the sheep happy with ginger biscuits after i drive Boris through the gate out of the field 
 the Temp. is slightly higher than expected and the earlier snow is now confined to the higher ground only.  I think that wind speed of 11.1mph must have just been a gust although it does look a little breezy out there just now
the weathercam, looking west, shows an almost clear sky although the view in the opposite direction shows up all the cloud from earlier on.  With the current breeze its going to be a cold walk this morning but it might be worth it for a few snowy pics.
Enjoy the day
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