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Thursday 26 November 2015

Coldest winter for a century! & We might get some of our garden view back!

This Mail article  once again bangs the drum about this winter being the coldest in a century.  The chances seem remote but the minus Temps we had over the latest cold snap show how cold it can get in the UK overnight - - - 
This 2 and a half minute video shows the effect of climate change on The Rhone Glacier in Switzerland - - - can it be reversed? - - - 
The current XCweather picture shows a pretty calm outlook for now,  it hints that tomorrow might be windier and this fits in with other agency predictions about another change in the weather pattern 
 i decided to walk up to a picnic spot we have used before and the normal start point is along the river
 the Defender at left looked to be checking the riverbank for fishermen but i didnt spot any
 a large wedge of cloud looked to be heading our way
 and it was even more prominent as i climbed the hill
 it looked as if the rain was approaching but it came to nought
 finally making the picnic spot my chiselling is still there alongside a recording from 1886
 the view is still amazing even in the wintery weather, i decided to walk along the ridge to see if i could locate a footpath but alas a series of small deep re-entrants barred the way.  Maybe thats why the picnic spot is so exclusive there isnt a regular path to or from it
 coming down the same track i walked up the cloud cover appears to have receded a bit and the sun is appearing from behind the clouds
 a little further down the track i was going to have a nosey into the East Lodge gardens and as i looked down to get nearer to their wall i spotted this shaggy parasol, Lepiota Rhacodes although i believe the Latin name has been changed to  Chlorophyllum Rhacodes in recent publications
 and just a foot or so away a couple of young specimens of the same
 not wanting to walk back down the river i cut up a little used footpath from the A6 and spotted this muck spreader going about its business in an adjacent field
looking up the field this is the forest that is getting some felling attention, by the look of the tree trunks piled up at its far end my comment that its only the firs that are being felled looks correct
 i dumped most of the nasturtiums from the garden at the re-cycle point later in the day and on returning Sally mentioned an unusual noise coming from the Peak Rail area.  I could just see one of those machines that is used to chew up branches from trees and later wandered across to see what had been happening
 its looking like the the cycle track work is about to commence right opposite our house and the trees blocking part of our view might be coming down. 
The ones with the red spots will be removed but curiously the silver birch in the pic look like they might be spared. 
Its as if the cycle path is going to be hard up against the houses boundaries to enable some trees to be left along its left hand side, whatever the outcome removing all or some of the trees will allow us to get some of our hillside view back which the growing trees have obscured over the years - - - interesting and worth watching. 
 on the cool side right now with the 6.5c Temp but no wind at all just now
on the weathercam the cloud is almost covering the whole of the sky, the forecasters are split between some saying it might rain later and others that we might have rain at any-time during the day.  Most weather agencies agree there's another cold period approaching in the next few days 
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders

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