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Sunday 8 November 2015

A wet final day and a return to the Peak District for us

On our final day we ventured over to the old Roman fort not far from our hotel and then on a footpath around the low lying area just to the west of it.
Sally gets "the birds" treatment from the gulls 
the wind and rain are sweeping towards us off the lake 
 Returning via Borrans park the rain had settled down to a steady downpour
this tree in Borrans park looked rather strange it had completely green and then yellow leaves on it? 
by then and we decided to re-visit the William Wordsworth's gift shop to buy a few goodies.  Having stashed the goodies in Boris we strolled down to Grasmere to see Wordsworth's family plot 
 Sally says hello to the sheep outside a shop 
the Wordsworth family plot 
then had a look around the old church which a few village ladies were furiously cleaning and one took the time to explain some of its history.
With the rain looking like it might be in for the day we ducked (NPI) into the Grasmere Tea Garden, a very swish affair which has been on the site for many a year judging by the display of photos on the walls. 
 one of the old photos on the wall
and the same view today 
 Driving back to the hotel for lunch the weather had deteriorated even more, after a hearty lunch we studied the shifting mists on Lake Windermere toying with the idea of taking the Lake Cruiser which we could see still plying its trade from the jetty in the pouring rain.
With very little time left for daylight i actually spotted a very small patch of blue sky but it was swallowed up very quickly and we decided it could be put off until our next trip.
 We had intended to have breakfast before we left but hearing the rain outside as we got up we said our farewells and hit the very wet road. The amount of surface water on the Cumbrian roads as well as the motorways was incredible but even taking our time and stopping to raid Starbucks at Rivington services we arrived on time to pick up LM from the cattery.
We learned he had been a model "prisoner" and endeared himself to the "warders" only escaping every time they opened his door to wander up and down having a nosey before returning to his own rooms.

So there we are - - - back to normal - - - whats the old saying? - - there's no place like home?

This huge cyclone nicknamed Chapala has been battering Yemen and Oman for the last few days and by the looks of the forecast in the article another one might be coming along soon 
 locally its mild start and and earlier breeze has all but disappeared for the moment 
The weathercam has a little mist/low cloud on the top of the far side of the valley.  The forecast has high winds and a fair amount of rain for the area today 

Enjoy the day 
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders

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