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Friday 20 November 2015

Hold onto your hats the weather should change today!

Sky news carries this story about the icy winds coming in from the north today as the Temp right now locally is well into single figures.  The general drift of the story is similar to the reports posted yesterday although the confidence that snow could fall anywhere across the UK is not so strong and it go's for a more cold and wet experience for some areas rather than snow. 
I stumbled across this  when trawling for weather stuff its titled Do we underestimate the power of plants and trees.  its exploring communication between plants and tree's - -- freaky - - - 
Not to be outdone on the weather front the Daily Mail throws up this story  It follows the general idea that its going to get cold in the next few days but links our shopping habits with the weather! - - - 
in this Metro coverage of the coming weather conditions Buxton, a short distance away. gets a mention for some snow Today! - - - 
The http://www.xcweather.co.uk/ image gives an up to date view on what the weather is now and hovering over the wind arrows for our area its looking like we could have a wild and windy night tonight! - - - 
incredible video of a house on the shoreline in Bangladesh disappearing into a sink hole - - - 
out to lunch yesterday and the view from the car park was of a turbulent sky, it looked like it might pour any minute but apart from a few spots nothing materialised. - - - 

 a cool start this morning and any breeze is still coming from the SW 
The weathercam shows a couple of blue bits and these should increase before the wind veers North and cloudier and much colder weather comes along.  
Enjoy the day
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