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Sunday 22 November 2015

a little slushy snow & my Round Robin walk has been compromised

Much of the UK got a dusting of snow yesterday as predicted by the weather agencies. Locally it was a disappointing show as it almost immediately turned to slush as the rain set in. 

 I walked my Round Robin route yesterday hoping to get some snowy pics but apart from the hilltops it was hardly evident as i set off. 
 the wind was bitterly cold and quite strong at times 
 a little snow around the new pond 
 as i entered the forest just after the pond i spotted this sign indicating "forest operations" but couldnt see much going on 
 about 70 metres into the forest it became obvious the trees were about to be felled and the track had been widened from 3 feet to 12 to allow vehicle access
 having disturbed the drainage system the whole track was a muddy mess 
 at the far end i looked back at what was the tiny footpath on the left of the pic and the new access track going down the hill through the cleared tree area 
 as this is one of my favourite pic shot locations i'm going to have to modify my route until the logging is completed 

 coming down off the high ground and looking South down the valley there is little evidence of the snow now 
 as i strolled along the river bank a group of ducks, strangely enough 2 different species lands on the water below me 
 the view away to the North West looks pretty good but the wind is still bitingly cold 
 the sun struggles to clear the hillside 
 the construction of the cycle track behind the Shalimar Restaurant looks to be speeding up as the line of surveyors posts put in some time ago gets a site hut and some activity!
 a last look across the river before scurrying indoors to get out of the cold
I have re-opened my old blog and added my latest posts to it because i have bitten the bullet and handed in my notice to quit my job down at the local supermarket.  (having closed it due to the supermarkets "social media policy").  I had been agonising about leaving after a "frank exchange of views" with the deputy manager a few days ago. 
I suddenly realised while i was out walking that i was only making excuses to stay so handed in my notice to my boss, "lets call her Jenny", and now only have 2 sets of shifts to work with my last working day being the 14th Dec.
 very cold just now with a minus half a degree.  LM was very restless last night so i came downstairs at around 01:30 and it was minus 3.2c! 
the weathercam shows some cloud about and the rain radar is showing some precipitation heading this way 

Enjoy the day
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Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders

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