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Monday 31 August 2015

Walk for more years & its a soggy morn here

 The main story will help Sally on her walk in the rain this morning knowing that a "Brisk daily walk adds 7 years to your life",  the banner headline about banning jobless migrants looks like its just a "pipe dream" - - -
The Mail changes the Express's "Brisk" to read 20 mins but the "theme" is the same - - - obviously  a slack soggy news day in both camps - - - 
True to form the Bank holiday Weather was predictable  although i did water the garden yesterday and it then promptly rained.  The prediction is that a fortnight of rain might fall in the south of England today but it looks as if almost all of England will be wet for the next few days - - - great pics in the link above - - - 
Hurricane Ignacio  seems not to worry the Hawaiian islanders so much as the accompanying rain that might come along with it.  The main event is set for tonight but Islanders are saying it will be "business as usual" - - -  
 this old quarry was scheduled to be turned into a number of holiday homes but it would appear to now be "on hold"
 apart from making a large hole in the main road boundary wall not a great deal appears to be going on 
 down near Churchtown i think it must be a few years since any water came out of this pump
 looking up to the Nine Ladies hill the sky is filling with clouds 
 we used to see a number of hares in this field until it was planted some years ago.  Now it looks to be grass again we might spot them next year 
 these Wax Cap mushrooms are enjoying the damp early morn conditions
 the sheep look interested in my passing 
 the scene down on the river looks idyllic 
both Sally and I noticed one of the swan parents seems to be absent.  The tents over the river turn out to be some kind of clay pigeon shooting day if the later in the day noise is anything to go by. - - - 
weather right now 
 not a bad Temp right now but the overnight rain is persisting 
the weathercam has a rainy look to it this morning and forecasts are indicating it could be with us most of the day
Enjoy the day 
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders  

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