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Thursday 27 August 2015

Drink water to lose weight! & hand op day yesterday went well

The incredible story of the news reporter and her cameraman killed while out on a broadcast hit the news yesterday.  it turns out the killer was an ex colleague who then went on to post a video of the actual killing on Facebook! - - -
The banner headline about "A pint of water before each meal is the key to losing weight" is an interesting study on 2 groups by "experts" - - - 
This story might get you reaching for  a duster as it reveals how thousands of microbes are found in dust samples from a study of "house dust"  A staggering statistic is that one sample was found to have "more than 2000 types of fungi in it! - - - 
We had an early start yesterday as it was my hand operation day so cruising down the A38 towards Derby we joined all the commuters dashing to work.  The The day case hand centre at Royal Derby Hospital kicks off early and there were a number of people already waiting to get in when i arrived just before 07:30 
The "sausage machine" starts with booking in then any number of interviews before i see the surgeon Miss O'Brien. She reiterates that the crooked little finger might 
not be able to be straightened and that one lump on the tendons of my middle finger are going to be left because the Op on the problem bits will take a long time anyway.
Rather than a general anaesthetic an arm block is used  where a needle is introduced into the neck and the various nerves to the arm are anaesthetised.  I could see the jugular vein and nerve tissue on an ultra scan on a laptop being used to locate the various nerves and apart from it being an uncomfortable 20 minutes its ok.
Once that's done its into the theatre where Miss O'Brien and a team of 4 do their bit, i could just see what they were doing from a reflection on one of the big theatre lights.
Half way through i'm told the little finger is fine and will be straight in the end! so after two and a half hours since i hopped on the first trolley i'm stitched up and having a cup of tea in the recovery room.  While getting dressed, try that with only one hand, and a dead weight other arm swinging around ! i notice blood coming through the bandage and Emma one of the recovery nurses packs more gauze and bandage on it rather than undo the whole thing.  That all done i'm on my way rejoicing back home to be spoiled rotten by Sally.
keeping the hand elevated above the heart to reduce post op swelling is the main thing and once the nerve block wears off, about midnight in my case, its popping the pain pills for a few days before i go back Tuesday for the therapy and night splint appt.   
I noticed this pic on the downgarden cam last night, the IR light is on and picking up a spiders web in front of the camera with raindrops on it - - -
 Mr Squirrel is enjoying his sunflower seed breakfast 
 not a bad Temp outside and the Barometric tendency is looking good 
the weathercam view shows a bit of cloud about but forecasters are optimistic about some sunshine today
Enjoy the day 
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