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Saturday 15 August 2015

Pacemaker problems & the rain subsides

The Express ditches the Cilla routine it has been crusading to report the pacemaker problem which has been on the news pages for a while? - - - 
this is a pic of Thomas Thwaites who lived  like a goat on a farm in Switzerland hes written a book about the experience, "Goat man how i took a holiday from being a human" - - - a new take on a holiday in Switzerland? - - -  i dont think its going to catch on! - - -
I actually volunteered  to do a little extra "Alternative Activity" yesterday in the morning "will i ever learn!" to help train a new starter so the afternoon was spent pottering and not doing a great deal
the day however was rewarded by dinner with No 1 Daughter (the younger) and Ed her Husband - - - we re-visited and old haunt The Red Lion at Peak Edge which had a hotel blistered onto it some years ago.  It has gone from Pub to Gastro Pub to now being a "Bistro", it has lost a little of the Character it used to have over the years but i guess "thats life" - - -
returning home i was ready to turn in when Sally flicked onto a channel where Gone in 60 Seconds had just started! - - - bad move! - - - it was a late night,great film though except for the slightly ridiculous bit near the end where baddy saves cop chasing him?! - - -
weatherwise now
 with the predicted rain all but gone the day dawns with the Temp just nudging double figures
the weathercam has a nice sunny day in prospect for us with an almost clear sky so its time to head for the hills and make some firewood! - - -
Enjoy the day 
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