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Thursday 20 August 2015

More migrant mayhem in Calais & hand Op assessment day

 The Express kids us on that the Calais migrant problem can be solved by sending our own police over there.  With reports in the UK that police forces are only investigating burglaries from houses with even numbers all the migrants have to do is give their tents odd numbers - - - 
The Mail on the other hand throw stones at the French for providing "Extra beds for hundreds more"  in an apparent attempt to sabotage UK attempts at resolving the problem - - - all the time its the UK taxpayer who is forking out for the work! - - - 
 The garden was looking nice in the morning yesterday
 much of the foliage is still going strong although isolated pockets are looking a little jaded 
I travelled to Derby yesterday for my pre op assessment on my latest Dupuytrens-contracture problem - - - its funny how the station there has had a multi million pound facelift but they still have the "stone-age" toilets, mens at least, on platform 1.  
I am to be first under the knife on the day to remove the lumps from my Thumb, forefinger, palm and little finger.  The little finger is a real problem now due to it being bent and unable to straighten.  The Op is scheduled for a duration of 3.5 hours - - - hey ho! - - - 
back home in the afternoon it was time to sit in the garden 
LM followed us out and took up his position looking really chilled out - - - 
I was casually throwing stones at http://www.lightinthebox.com/ in yesterdays blog about the outdoor IP camera i got from them which dosn't have the IR cut facility so produces very washed out pics.  I fired off a request to return it and in their reply they offer me £15 off a future order but also say i can keep the camera! - - -
 warm and muggy this morning after the overnight rain
The weathercam pic shows lots of cloud but forecasters think we might be rain free for most if not all the daylight
Enjoy the day 
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