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Thursday 13 August 2015

Cilla to be buried back home & Will it or wont it rain today

Like a number of the daily papers Cilla once again hits the Express front page sharing it with the Health Lottery's Anthea - - - 
Holiday pic? well "Yes" its one of our police who have been sent out to Spain to quell unruly drunken Brits, the story however reveals they have no "power of arrest" and "Do not work at night" when most of the problems occur!!!? - - - 
Best stick to the weather methinks will it or wont it rain today? 
the approaching low pressure takes some predicting it seems with the Met O saying it will be a heavy shower day after 12:00 but Metcheck is having none of it with 0% chance of any rain until 21:00.  It had been stressed that the location and intensity of any rain would be difficult to predict until late today although the pic above leaves nothing to the imagination for tomorrow forecast 
twas a nice day for some logging yesterday 
 and those brown heaps of brashings were beginning to make the place untidy 
Ah! that's better"
just on a whim really i wondered if the piles would burn after such a long spell of dry weather and testing one of the smaller piles the flames soon got hold 
so with the latest felling close by the largest brashing pile i quickly finished off sawing the final bits of trunk into rounds and torched the big pile as well 
it was time to visit the lunch stop again and then a pleasant afternoon sitting in the garden enjoying the sunshine 
Mr Squirrel loves the new sunflower feeder!
 pleasantly warm this morning and no barometric indication yet of the approaching rain
the weathercam however looks as if it could herald a downpour any minute with the amount of cloud around 
Enjoy the day 
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders

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