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Wednesday 19 August 2015

NHS free E cigs! & another IP cam disappointment

 Must be another slack news day with the Express banging the drum about house prices being "up by £15k" our very modest 2 up 2 down must be worth £2.5m by now lol! - - - at least they mention the Battle of Britain fly past in one of the banners - - - 
If you have never smoked or given it up ages ago now might be the time to start with those E cig things the headline should read "Get your highs free on the NHS" 
great video of this shopkeeper  chasing off 2 robbers one with a machete as he produces an enormous sword! - - - 
English children "Among worlds unhappiest"  shrieks the headline to this story . Technology and the eagerness of parents to keep their kids up with "everyone else" has to hold its hand up here methinks. 
Who needs a Play Staion  shrieks the headline to this story - - - a graphic illustration from the 60's when kids played out in the streets and there was a community!    
"Life was so much simpler when Apple and Blackberry were just fruits!" - - - 
Another disappointment yesterday when "I" got my latest piece of technology, advertised and sold by lightinthebox.com 
 as a Sricam Outdoor waterproof I.P. camera it turns out to be a bit of a spoof, there are other spoofs available on the market ! lol - - -
 We had wanted it to give us a view from the bottom of the garden but because of missing bit of technology (IR cut filter) all the greens come out purple! My next move is to set up what is meant only to be a laptop webcam to do the job - - - watch this space
nice pic of  a blue and great tit on the feeders right now
 not a bad Temp to start the day and just a hint of a warm breeze too
the weathercam shows a cracking sky view - - - forecasters would have us believe though that is all going to change and be nasty rainy by the end of the day
Enjoy the day 
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders

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