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Friday 28 August 2015

Dont scratch that irritating little mole! & old friends in the garden sharing the sunshine

The express headline looks as if it should be juxtaposed with one a while back saying doctors are prescribing too many antibiotics!  its a fact that a few years ago a study proved certain antibiotics raise blood sugar levels.  This study comes from Denmark and looks to have solid foundations - - - 
With the bank holiday upon us its looking like the usual chaos on our roads and "the weather" is predicted to be typically Bank Holiday,ish.  On Saturday predictions are that the South East will get thunderstorms and Sunday will be a "messy one" according to a forecaster from the meteogroup - - - we shall wait and watch - - - 
The moral of this story has to be dont scratch that irritating mole! this woman from China has a horn growing out of her head which started off as an itchy mole! - - - 
LM is not amused when one of the "new cats on the block" decides to sit on his patch, the stand off came to nothing as "ginger" wandered off back to his own patch 
A couple of friends from Hereford share the late afternoon sunshine with us in the garden.  They have been up here a few days and had a very busy itinerary!  Their plan is to get away early today in the hope of missing the Bank Holiday rush on the roads.  
i got rid of yesterdays spiders web on the downgarden cam but the owner is not giving up yet!
this jackdaw is having a go at trying to eat part or all of the fatballs just now
Weatherwise right now 
 its feeling a little cool out this morning as we start off with a single figure Temp 
the weathercam though is showing a clear sky start.  The weather forecasters would have us believe that we are in for some rain today but as usual they cant agree on how much and when - - -

Enjoy the day 
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders  

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