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Sunday 16 August 2015

VJ day front page & its a pottering Sunday today

A fitting front page on the Express in view of the VJ Commemoration day although, 
the security job must have been a bit of a nightmare! - - - 
meanwhile the House of Lords Gets a bashing from the BBC about Peers who never vote getting £300 a day(!) expenses - - - is it time to re-look at this rather outdated "club?" 
I wondered when the dirt would be dished on the former Kids Company Boss after it closed suddenly not long ago.  Hints and accusations abound in the story and looking at "£769k being spent on just 25 kids/adults in a year" being one of them it looks as if old Camila is in for a rough ride! - - - 
twas a nice day for logging yesterday 
but i was hounded by a dozen or so wasps intent on harvesting the sap from the logs i had cut, luckily lashings of "mossy rep" kept them at bay  
 with all the ash tree branches retrieved from the stream and hawthorn trees onto which it fell the sheep set to de-foliating them for me 
those branches will then join the small heap in the foreground and on Monday i'll consign them to the firewood heap.  
With my hand Op only 10 days away It wont be worth felling another "bigun" so i will restrict activity to clearing away the smallish hawthorns around the copse i will be going into next - - - 
 we had noticed this strange looking weed/plant growing in the front garden next to the stump of the Laburnum which is still bravely pushing out new tiny branches and leaves.  It turns out after much page flicking by Sally in the wild flower book that its a Thorn apple (RHS Ref) Apart from the seeds being highly poisonous it does look quite striking! - - -
even after tucking into his biscuit breakfast LM wanders off and brings back the "hot breakfast option from the menu".  He gave us a fright earlier, as i was seeing Sally off on her morning walk he darted between my feet and headed full speed to the pavement in front of the house.  Managing to coax him away from the road we grabbed him and brought him back in. We know he does cross the road frequently but both of us thought it was a close call! - - -
 twas pretty cool 5.2c recorded around 05:30 this morning but its gradually warming up now
thec weathercam shows an almost clear sky - - time for a stroll by the river methinks then a lazy day just pottering - - -
Enjoy the day 
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