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Friday 14 August 2015

Cilla funeral on TV & raining at last

apart from a comment of the weather the front page of the Express is still on its Cilla crusade with news that the funeral next Thursday will be live on TV - - - 
downpours have been reported in the South of the UK after the warnings issued by various weather agencies.  "The trend" says the text is for more rain but with brighter conditions moving in from the West.  - - 
 managing a little logging yesterday morning i went to the top of the ridge to take a pic of the area and spotted where a rabbit has capitalised on a couple of missing rocks in the very old limestone wall 
the scene below shows the last felling with a little still to cut and carry across to join the stack of logs ready to be reduced to firewood. - - -
 it started to rain very lightly yesterday afternoon but nothing of any significance.  The whole night only produced .18"/5mm so it looks as if we are spared the deluges from the South
the weathercam shows a heavily clouded sky and its is raining just now 
Enjoy the day 
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