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Thursday 6 August 2015

More Cilla expose & up the chimney for me

More Cilla "expose" as it is revealed she may have been unconscious  on her balcony in the sunshine for some considerable time after hitting her head during a fall - - - its about time "they" let the woman rest isnt it?  There's also banner headlines for a simple diet to keep your brain young and some indication that "Stopping migrant madness" might become one of the Express "crusades"
it turns out that the piece of plane washed up on the Reunion island does belong to the missing MH370 Malaysian airlines aircraft.  I wonder if the rest of it will ever be found? this story doesnt hold much hope 

Super Typhoon "Soudelor" reports are thin on the ground but this latinopost article has some news of its devastation on the Marianas islands along with a video - - - 
Closer to home 
 at last after the hard time with the trunk and base of the tree its time to reduce the branches to firewood
later on it was time to empty out the debris from the register plate gunge catcher above the log burner.  The chimney is a foot wide square offset hole so it drops a fair bit of debris during the course of the winter, all set for the next one now - - - 
out for a spot of lunch at our favourite spot the other day 
we were delighted to see the notice that the landladies daughter had given birth to a son! - - - 
very warm already this morning with just a little breeze
forecasters are indicating that the weathercam cloud will clear and we will have a sunny afternoon 
nice shot of Mr Squirrel enjoying his breakfast just now 
"Turned out nice again!" dull weather clouds clearing now
Another gem from the Pacific Institute 
How often do you find yourself feeling irritated by things that other people do? If it is more often than you'd like, read on.

People who are easily irritated usually blame others for it. But to find the reason - and we are not talking about blame - they need to look inside themselves, instead of those around them. Of course, irritability can have many causes, but one of the most common is having too many restrictive zones. In other words, too many rigid ideas and rules about right and wrong behavior.

These folks believe there is a right way to squeeze the toothpaste tube, a right way to load the dishwasher, a right way to do just about everything, and they have all the so-called "facts" to back them up. Now, the problem is not so much that they feel compelled to follow these restrictive and unnecessary rules themselves, but they have the same compulsion about other people following the "rules" as well!

Sometimes others go along with them, just to keep the peace. Often others will deliberately or unconsciously break these needless rules, just to drive the compulsive folks crazy. It is important to become aware of the self-imposed rules we live by and get rid of those that keep us rigidly confined, for no important reason. It is also important that we not impose our personal standards on others.

Why spend your days stressed out and irritated, wondering why your relationships don't work? Relax! Loosen up a little! It's a near-guarantee everyone will feel better for it. 

Sound advice - - - Try it! 
Enjoy the day 
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