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Monday 17 August 2015

Diabetes to Bankrupt the NHS & great pics from an early morning stroll

 The Express pulls out all the stops with Cilla and Princess Diana on the front page!  The main thrust is on the NHS problem of treating people with Diabetes   The article is brim full of stats on why people with diabetes are going to "bankrupt the NHS".  It stops short on few solutions apart from, “Evidence is piling up that added sugar and excess calories are causing avoidable increases in obesity and diabetes" and They have also urged people to take more personal responsibility and exercise more.  The old phrase "falling on deaf ears" might just fit in here methinks - - - 
the Mirror's top story is reminiscent of many an "Express" front page!  The text of the article gives hope to thousands of woman with "triple negative breast cancer" which doesn't respond to hormone treatment.  The down side is that trials will not begin for another couple of years - - -  
"Call for Army to stop using malaria drug mefloquine" also sold as Lariam.  Accounts of depression and nightmares from 2 individuals inthe story are outweighed by lots of quotes from "The experts"  .  A final word from the manufacturers Roche should put everyone "at ease"  "A recent regular safety assessment conducted by EU health authorities reinforced previous guidance that the benefits of Lariam outweigh the potential risk of the treatment." - - - 
It was time yesterday to potter and i determined to improve the view picture on our "up garden camera" .  I first needed a long USB cable and ordered 2 online form Maplins.  
I cruised over to pick them up and was given 2 that were definitely not what i ordered but a far superior model. Not knowing what kind of end plugs the superior model had i questioned the assistant.  He did a stock enquiry on the part number and pronounced rather haughtily "No sir, they are correct" 
On looking at my order online back home i see i have been given 2 @ £19.99 rather than 2 @ £6.06 - - - hey ho - - -
I had 3 tried and trusted models of camera to try but on firing them up they all suffered from a "washed out" look on the colourful garden foliage, obviously only indoor cameras?.  This was confusing because the birdfeeder cam (a Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000) 
has always been crystal clear.  After trying various software and tweeking each of the 3 cameras controls i checked on E bay and bid for another Logitch Quickcam! - - - 
The forecast yesterday was for "increasing cloud" and indeed the afternoon was largely overcast and dull.  It was time therefore to get out and have a walk early morn. 
The view West across the fields towards nine ladies hill  was magnificent, you wouldn't think the trees on the hillside hide 2 enormous closed quarries
 Sally had mentioned that a couple of fields, normally left to pasture had been planted with some kind of winter root crop, here the seedlings are a couple of inches high by now
 looking North West up the Derwent Valley the forecasted cloud for the day had already started to appear
i spotted a water vole cleaning itself on the far bank its just left of the sunny patch in the middle of the pic.  Its circled but still difficult to see (click on the pic to enlarge)
 in this pic there's a line in the water with what looks like a half full plastic coke bottle attached to it.  The other end is way upin the trees with another half full coke bottle on it ? ? ?
 The normally fast flowing bit is still looking less than full even after the recent rain
 One of the fly fishing access spots looking rather idyllic
and finally the view across the river with the cloud a little close 
Todays weather 
 not a bad Temp to start the day
the weathercam gives us a very grey overcast sky.  Forecasters are indicating that it might break up a little and give some sunshine then clear as the daylight ends 
Enjoy the day 
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders

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