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Tuesday 25 August 2015

stock exchange jitters & a sunny morn for us

The panic from the Chinese stock exchange is rippling across the world and the Express stays on its pension crusade from yesterday indicating that pension pots are taking a bashing. This BBC story once again lets us know our economy is at the mercy of the "traders" once again 
intertesting article from The Metro showing how a huge lump of ice, reported to be 12.4 square km, has come away from a Greenland Glacier.  There's an eye watering set of stats in the story including "the Glacier has lost 739 Gigatons of ice since the year 2000" and experts believe the 1mm (yes 1mm) sea level rise between 2000 and 2011 to be responsible (!?) - - - 
 feeling cool in the shade as we start the early morning walk with the sun working its way down to the bottom of the valley 
 the root crop recently planted in what used to be pasture is coming along fine and we reckon it will be used for animal feed once it matures 
 Sally turns for home as i carry on South with the sun now warming up the heavy dew 
 This field used to have cows in long ago but the sheep dont seem to mind.  All these still have their wool so i think they must be this years lambs 
 I notice a group of hardy souls camped in a field on the opposite bank of the river - - - i wonder what they are doing as its not a regular camp site?
 there's a dipper on the stone in the middle of this pic 
 a couple of grey wagtails are scooping up the flies on the far side of the river bank in the sunshine 
a few ducks are nibbling at the weed in the middle of the river as i head back home 
its my final day before i have my hand done and a friend and his wife are up from Hereford for a visit to the local sites.  So its a lunch out and then enforced fasting in prep for tomorrow! - - - 
Enjoy the day 
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