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Friday 21 August 2015

Cilla the farewell & hot and sticky Saturday

Lots of coverage in the media this morning of Cilla's funeral yesterday.  The story behind the headline exposes the twitter "storm" over the coverage on TV - - - the solution, if you didn't like it would be to press the off button! - - - RIP - - - 
The Blue John Cavern , only a few miles away receives a great tourist boosting story from the BBC  this morning with the revelation that a new vein of the Blue John stone has been discovered, the first for 150 years, by the owner when he was testing a stone chainsaw! - - - 
Saturday to be an Absolute Scorcher according to this story in the Metro.  The reality of the text is that there maybe some kind of North ~South divide as our local forecast indicates it will be warm but to expect rain, so its going to be a hot and sticky Saturday - - - 
LM was sat on the kitchen roof for most of yesterday afternoon and then wandered off around 17:00 and going to bed some time later he still hadn't shown up. 
There were no night time noises either so i crept down way before 05:00 to check the cat flap cam and there he was curled up asleep on one of the chairs 
with the remnants of his 00:35, checked on the cam, , almost midnight snack on the kitchen floor i set to combing out a handful of those round seed "bobbles" from his fur while he tucked into some breakfast - - - 
i played around yesterday with the IP camera mentioned in the 2 previous blogs and finally let Boris have his very own security!  The washed out colour effect doesn't affect the picture much and the IR night view and subsequent recordings of movement are pretty cool! - - - 
I should normally be starting a 4 day "Alternative Activity" today but having a days hols left over i must have booked it off some time ago! it's time to finally saw up the pile of un-smashable bits of wood from the last felling and cover up the pile from the rain - - - with my hand Op coming up i will not be sawing or smashing for some time to come - - - 
 very warm out just now and quite a high humidity 
the weathercam shows a manky looking sky and there has been a sprinkling of rain overnight 
Forecasters are in agreement that the day will get windy and rainy in the mid afternoon - - - 

Enjoy the day 
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders  

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