Facebook dead and buried says the headline and it reports that teenagers are leaving Facebook in their droves just because their parents have figured out how to use it and are looking over their children's shoulders. So thats it Facebook is just not coll any longer!
Cricket match? what cricket match What a pathetic team we have down under at present i wonder if anyone has come out sith the joke about the first 11 Brits into the ground could get a game!! - - - Ah well its only a game after all!
Bad call - - again When Vicky Price was "standing by her ex husband" Chris Huhne you had to "feel sorry for her" Alas however her judgement has firmly to be examined after she is now proclaimed to be "Standing by" her boyfriend, the disgraced MP Denis Macshane. When he is released from prison at least they will have "time" in common! - - -
Cat burglars! Denis the menace and Cleo are a couple of cats who steal all manner of things and "take them home! very amusing video - - - worth a watch
Closer to home
Nearing the end of my shift pattern I have a day off tomorrow and then unfortunately have to work New Years Day. Mind you having seen a "fair number of New Years I dont think I'll be too upset!
Sainsbury the Tabby, our remaining cat is off to the vets this evening. We aren't sure what's wrong but the base of his tail is a little swollen. We think he might have been bitten or scratched by another cat and there maybe a little infection.
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