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Thursday 12 December 2013

9 years absent dog come home for xmas & the new broom sweeps a little!

A very nice warm chrsitmassy story here covered by Sky News
Niamh the terrier disappeared in May 2004.  The dog was eventually found wandering the streets of Salisbury not long ago and because it was chipped it was simple to contact the owner who says the return of the dog is a "Christmas Miracle" - - -

The stupid Politically correct police are to the fore in this Sky News story.
This little fella, 6 years old kissed a classmate, "on the hand" and was suspended from school for "sexual harassment"

We have had lots of news items about the cost of our energy bills lately but here's an interesting comparison story from the BBC
Imnteresting couple of charts show we aren't so bad off after all - - -

Closer to home
Down at the fun factory (Matlock Sainsbugs) the NEW bakery boss, "lets call him Dave" has grabbed the metaphorical BROOM and done a bit of sweeping.  I started my last set of shifts before Christmas this morning and noticed that a great deal of the isle had been changed around.
Choosing my words carefully I enquired who's idea it was and was told the new manager's. "Wonderful idea" I replied and spent the day showing customers where things were, - - - once I had reprogrammed my addled brain!

Yesterday we "finished off" the move of the garden shed to the new patch by doing a rubbish run and burning the recently cut Apple Tree boughs
In this pic Sainsbury tests out the new configuration of the apple tree and looks a little confused that the old boughs are missing.  The rather bare patch below him in the pic is the original shed location.
The sun is just leaving the valley as we burn the last of the boughs, by kind permission, on the Peak Organics land .  The apple tree is on the left and the pergola can now be seen where the shed was originally.  The shed is visible on the right edge of our new patch.
Another view of the work area

When I returned to the house I found little Sainsbury had found the whole day rather too much!

Enjoy the day
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