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Friday 13 December 2013

More storms on the way! & What's the collective noun for Sainsbury Managers?

The Daily Express has its usual "flowery headline", this time about the weather
although I do like the reference to the palace cops being told to keep their hands off Her Majesty's nuts on their night-time patrols!  - - - 

Here's a story to warm anyone's heart who has waited to speak to "customer services" while being told that "your call is important to them" and being charged 41p a minute for the privilege! 

The BBC story  indicates that after June 2014 only the basic rate will be charged - - - Another interesting point of the story is that online purchasers will have 14 days rather than 7 to change their minds on a purchase - - also from June 2014. 

Here's another Eutocratic blunder! of immense proportions. 
Kenneth Hicks wants to leave his "Harbour Farm" on the Isle of Wight to his sons 
The RSPB however wanted the site to be flooded to encourage endangered birds, and has "Brussles law" on their side!  .  I wonder how many people who voted back in the 70's to become part of this "common market" ever believed we would be dictated to by Brussels this way?  Here's one who is totally disillusioned!

Nearer to home
The stealthy approach of Christmas Day is creeping ever closer and the shop (Matlock Sainsbugs) is taking on its xmas mantle.
There is no room in the warehouse or outside yard to squeeze in even one more mince pie!
The staff are getting ratty with each other because its a comical game of chess moving rollers of items around the warehouse just to "get them out of your way but ignoring anyone else's space"
The customers have started their goggle eyed panic and some are in "despair" when you tell them, for instance that "we don't do trifle sponges!"  its been a problem for 4 weeks now without any real explanation.
Another item is "ground almonds" for some reason they are like "gold dust" we just cant get enough.

It has to be said that this year we dont seem to be so "on the ball" no doubt the periods takings will tell the tale - - - it could just be me!

Finally, I was stuffing mice pies on the shelf for the second time today when I observed a "group" of "5 managers" stood by an isle end apparently just "looking" at the display.  After a short while one would "poke" at the display and another would take off one of the empty product containers.
I wondered what the "collective noun" for a group of Sainsbury Managers was?????

A short while later putting some product on the main thoroughfare of the shop I was close to the "group of 5" as they examined yet another display.  No words were used during my "observation period?" so wandering back to my duties I imagined the collective noun for a group of Sainsbury Managers has to be "A  Look of Managers"  lol

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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