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Wednesday 18 December 2013

Nice money if you can get it! & Last shift before Christmas

I often wondered how much our House of Lords Peers had to do and what kind of renumeration they got
This story tells us about Peers "clocking in"
Lord Hanningfield who has already done 9 months "porridge" for fiddling £28000 expenses in 2011 is suggesting it' is normal practice in this story for at least 50 Peers of the Realm to "clock in" for just 40 minutes at the House of Lords to enable them to pick up a tidy £300!! - - - - Nice money if you can get it!

Here's an interesting Sky News story about a Chinese guy who severs his hand in some kind of machine. He's rushed to hospital where they sew his hand onto his ankle!
This had to be done to keep it alive while the stump on his arm recovers, he needs to keep his hand on his ankle for a month until it can be sewn back on.
all the best Xiao Wei!

 I watched with interest as this ridiculous story unfolded and wondered when it would reach its conclusion.  Thakfully this and many other media stories report there was No SAS involvement  in the death of Diana Princess of Wales.

It was obviously a slack day at the "Research Department of Queensland University" when they decided to do a Zebra stripe study
The researchers "theorise" that they, the Zebra's, developed the stripes to dazzle predators.  Researchers confirmed that the markings create optical illusions when the animals move!  Mmmmmm!

 The weather today has been really dull and from inside the shop it looked as if it was getting dark from around 1200!  This story form Sky News indicates there will be a Wet and windy forecast for xmas
Lots of conjecture and if buts and maybe's but I think this one says it all
This is meant to be a prediction for Dec 25th and its big fat "low" with close isobars indicating storng winds.  Batten down the hatches!!!

My last shift before Christmas at the Fun Factory (Matlock Sainsbugs) passed off rather briskly and the customer challenges were fast and furious as the Christmas panic shopping "mode" seemed to be biting.
The new bakery boss, "lets call him Dave" as previously blogged has OCD a compulsive desire to have everything "in its place" So when I arrived this morning and found an 8ft high pile of 32" TV's on a pallet right in the middle of the bakery warehouse area I knew "there might be trouble ahead".  He talked about moving it but could be seen circling it mumbling incoherently as I gather some "higher deity" said it must stay "a while!"

On Tuesday I did a little logging and had to repair the "storm damage" to my stacks of wood
In the foreground is the wood intended to be used in 2015 and the covers had almost been blown off completely.  I spent half an hour sorting it out.
Farther down the frosty track (at the top of the pic) the wood intended for next year is also uncovered but only on one small area.

I then walked down and over to my current felling and it was in the shade even though it was around 0930 by this time.
It took another hour to get fully into the sun so sawing up these previously felled trees helped me warm up.  
This is the pile of wood that has been produced from my recent activity and I'm hoping to get it sawn up into foot long pieces ready to dry out and be used in years to come! 

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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