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Wednesday 4 December 2013

The cook always survives the shipwreck! & A few days off!

Fantastic story this one  An incredible story of survival, a boat sinks in 30 metres of water off the coast of Nigeria.  Divers go down to recover the bodies of the 12 crew.  A diver is going through the vessel and see's a hand moving in the gloom
 He discovers the ships cook alive in an air pocket.

After a dramatic rescue the cook poses with his rescuers, great video a must to watch

Here's another video thats worth a look swimming pigs off an island in the Bahamas
By the way the bikini clad beauties had nothing to do with why I watched the whole 4 mins and 10 secs of the video - - - honest! 

Quite an interesting article on some of its uses, especially in the quest for Gold! 
In this pic miners mix mercury with their panned silt where any gold is absorbed by the mercury.  The mercury is then boiled off to leave pure gold.  

When the residue is dumped in the sea its absorbed by the algae and plankton, the bottom of the food chain!!!  The story suggests your next swordfish/Tuns steak coulds have mercury in it - - - scary! 

Closer to home 
The weather is taking a cold windy aspect and the doom and gloom news media is forecasting snow although the weather websites are leaning more to very windy and wet. 

At the Fun Factory (the Matlock Sainsbugs) our replacement manager in the bakery ,"lets call him Dave " is getting his metaphorical "feet under the table" and realising the frustrations that seem to be unique to the Matlock branch! 

I'm at the end of my shift pattern and having a few days off and its looking like logging might not be an option due to the weather but we are hoping to start the redevelopment of our new piece of garden even in the bad weather!  

Time for a Tom pic, here's another from the 90's 
He normally didn't look so serious that was his sparring partner "Grumpy's" speciality 

Here Tom with his back to the camera, and Wallace sharing the spot in front of the log burner.  Sadly Wallace, Sally's favourite cat "disappeared" and we never did find out why.  When Tom showed up on Christmas Day he was instantly accepted by our other 2 cats!
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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