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Monday 23 December 2013

Storms everywhere by lunchtime & its a sitting round the fire afternoon

Storms everywhere by lunchtime

Shouts the headline on this Sky News Story and it looks to be quite correct as I look out the window and see the clouds scudding along and my anemometer whirring round like a demented dervish.
Power cuts in Cornwall already and a very Snowy picture of the A82 up in Scotland complete the gloomy prospects for those having to travel today - - - take care!

Here's a welcoming story about one of our politicians actually using the powers which her position has available for once. The Home Secretary Theresa May is
stripping the nationality of UK citizens who join these so called Jihads abroad.  No doubt the would be hero's might return and try to claim compensation eventually - - -

I like this one, fancy belonging to "The Open Worm Project" !  Whaaaat!  It appears there's a project to "Create Artificial Life" ????

The project is using computer code to build a "lifelike" copy of a nematode roundworm.
  The story go's on to say, "this week the creatures creators added code that gets the "virtual worm" wriggling like the real thing"  Is it me? am i missing something here?  If its made out of computer code surely they can make it turn green and sing 3 verses of God Save the Queen?

Nearer to home.
Absent minded? Nah not me!
I prepared to go down the shops yesterday and went through the familiar routine of wallet in pocket , bags in the van, list in pocket, phone? where's my phone?  Having been used to the regimented way of doing things in the Army its not too difficult to transfer it to "civvy street" and put things in the same place each time you use them so that they are there again the next time you need them.

So there we are my Blackberry charging lead is bereft of the device.  My mumblings and searchings are spotted by Sally and she asks the obvious.  "I'll ring it she says" and promptly dials my number.
A feint rendition of "the entertainer", can be heard, my Blackberries ring tone as I look under cushions and around the computer table.
It go's onto answer phone so Sally rings it again and the same frantic searching is exercised by me whereupon I discover it in my coats inside pocket!  DOH!  Tail firmly between legs I scurry off to the shops, Sally's laughter ringing in my ears!

I ventured out earlier to top up the bird feeders and came across a strange group of white feathers underneath the feeders
I looked around for signs of the remains of a corpse but couldn't find a thing - - - very strange

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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