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Monday 9 December 2013

More about the MP's pay rise & A few weather bits

The daily Mirror today really gets into rant mode over the 11% pay rise that our Members of Parliament are meant to be getting
The front page has a good representation of how quite a few people will see the rise.  The "i" has a headline where some MP's are saying "We're not worth it" & "MP's say they don't deserve a huge pay rise"  - - -  I don't think we needed to be told that, no doubt they'll refuse it then?

An ex US Army Ranger, the one on the right in this pic
has been trying to open a flip flop factory in Afghanistan of all places!  "It came as a brainwave" he's reported as saying back in 2009 although in the intervening period he's failed to "contract out the business idea" in any of the existing factories in Kabul.
Undeterred our trusty entrepreneur has come up with what must be "another brainwave" a mobile factory of his own in a cargo container.  - - - He must have "flipped" hope it doesn't "flop" - - -

The weather has been making the front pages again
The key to beating dementia is shoved out of prime spot by "Storms on way at Christmas" i block capitals.  Didnt they promise us 10 inches of snow only 10 days ago which never appeared?

Meanwhile in the US they are having an Ice storm with -29c temps 
The one consolation is the weather system causing it is moving East so hopefully we wont see any of it over here.  Good pics in the story and as usual some great comments below - - -

I noticed our sky revving up for a light show yesterday and snapped a couple of good pics from the garden as the sun was setting.
A colourful backdrop to my anemometer pointing off to the South East

Earlier in the day we added our final piece of fencing to the new land in our garden.  We only erected it because the Peak Organics land clearing has left us rather exposed on that side.
Just a few more boards to tack on to the left of the apple tree.  We painted some sticky pruning paint on the large wound of the apple tree and then both promptly touched the sticky gunk.  For the rest of the afternoon we continuously reminded each other, "don't touch that part of the tree!"

Sainsbury the cat decided it was time for some PC work
Although later it proved to be far too exhausting! 

Another team effort today preparing the base on our new bit of garden so we can move the shed onto it hopefully tomorrow - - - weather permitting" - - -
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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