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Monday 2 December 2013

Bit coins again & we own even more land!

I waxed lyrical about "bit coins" not long ago and here's a bit coin disaster
James Howell had a "virtual fortune" of £4m in bit coins on an old computer hard drive.  He had been storing it but threw it out this year not remembering that his bit coin "digital wallet" was on it. H'es given up trying to recover it form the landfill site, however treasure hunters are likely to invade the site soon. - - - where did I put my metal detector?

Here's a nice story with a sinister beginning but a nice ending where the internet really comes into its own!
Young 5 year old Chinese boy is abducted and transported 900 miles away and sold to a family in another part of China
Here he is reunited with his mother after 23 years.  Lovely story - - - spare a few minutes to realise the good side of the internet.

Closer to home - -
Trouble at t mill when the confectionery man at work is caught eating behind the counter/in the bakery normally a dismissal event!!! he's had his, investigation meeting - - - hold your breath for the verdict.

We are full blast now in the Christmas "vein" and it was with great "smugness" I realised my last shift before the 25th is the 19th so it will be a breeze until my next shift on Boxing Day~~~~~  !!!!

We finalised our deal to secure a little more land to add to the top of our garden today! Our neighbour at number 5 didn't take up the option to buy the land he had been encroaching on so we bought a portion of it to give us an "admin area".  The idea is to use it for "bits" we don't want in our terraces.  The wind turbine and hot tub are on order!!!! .  Our neighbour has erected a fence over the boundary agreed with the Peak Organics people on our land. - - - hey ho - - - TMVWBSL!

Really close to home
Toms death is still a raw feeling with us although we are "getting by" remembering that we loved him and cared for him every minute he was with us.  Our other cat "Sainsbury" more locally known as "little man" is showing signs of missing Tom.
OK OK we know you can read things into any situation but he's off his wet cat food (maybe caus there's no competition)
He always looks where the cat litter tray is when he passes it.  He never uses it preferring to go outside but Tom, who never used it for years started using it about 2 months ago.  Sainsbury is in the house more than normal and just looking "sad"
We have decided to get another kitten from the farm Sainsbury came from.  Not a "replacement" for Tom, he could never be replaced!!!!!!   but a companion for "little man" - - -

So please forgive my indulgence but I'm going to pop a pic of Tom  in the blog for "some considerable time"
So with "misty eyes" here go's
Here he is in 1998 one of my early digital pics on a step which became to be known as "Toms step" he would sit in the sunshine and rain on it for some reason.  I had ideas of burying him under it but relented and put him next to his friend "Tesco" and his old sparring partner "Grumpy"  -- - - - - - --
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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