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Wednesday 25 December 2013

Merry Christmas & a bit of logging

A Malayan tiger

Here's another example of how little even the "experts" know about wild animal behaviour after a breeding attempt fails  in a big way

San Diego zoo staff attempted to breed the Malayan tiger pair only for it to end in the death of the female.  All looked to be going well as they slowly introduced the pair over a period of days.  It all ended in tears though asd staff were unable to stop the mauling and subsequent death. - - - When will people ever learn!

Here in the UK the stormy weather has presented some people with a soggy christmas! 

Flooding in Boxhill SurreyThe article shows pics of an area of Dorset affected by the floods and covers a whole host of other tales of woe surrounding the story weather.

It seems an odd challenge to take on, cycling to the South Pole but here's a plucky Welsh lady giving it a try

Maria Leijerstam
Obviously a specially adapted cycle for the trip, she also adopted a fierce training regime to cope with the 18 hour days she has set herself!  No wonder she's ahead of 2 male rivals.

Take a look at this short video of German police cars making a mess of things - - very amusing

Closer to home
I managed yesterday to burn off some of the piles of branches from my recent felling activities
With a fair breeze blowing the fire raising went quite well and after a while the pile was reduced to this.
Not so successful though with the pile up on the ridge, all I succeeded in doing was burning the middle out of the pile
So that's it then then end of logging in 2013.  I'm off back to work tomorrow, deep joy, right through until New Year.

Enjoy the day
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