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Monday 16 December 2013

Definitely "No Parking" & Dave has an OCD

A group of construction workers gave a car dealer his comeuppance when he refused to move a car he was trying to Sell 
The poured the wet concrete around the vehicle and it ended up stuck to the ground!

Here's a Christmas story which was a real con The "The Winter Wonderland at Milton Keynes The event was billed as fun for all the family but it looks to have been a disaster in how not to organise an event. Of course Santa was meant to be there but his outfit was described as coming from poundland
Looking at the pic above from the Mail I think that's an insult to poundland!

We sat down to watch the BBC Sports Personality Award but crashed out before the end.  The papers are full this morning of the winner Andy Murray
He was unable to attend the event due to his busy lifestyle but his acceptance speech was very good.  I like the jibe about him winning this year because he might not be eligible if Scotland vote for independence which has been circulating!

Any excuse to put up the price of food seems to be the norm nowadays and this story looks to be telegraphing that bananas might be getting more expensive
Mealy bugs and Scale insects have devastated around 24000 hectares of plants affected.  It could mean there will be shortages of ripe fruit with the inevitable price hike for consumers being the end result.  Global warming say "some experts" have changed rain patterns and caused the bug explosion.

Our weather is pretty dull at the moment but a message from our friend Sharon in Canada indicates that the recent snowfall in New York Sate of up to 35cm is affecting the local temperature
She reports -30c and wonders where it came from - - - We might just be in for some of the fall out form that weather system soon.

The Fun Factory (Matlock Sainsbugs) is its usual self but a ripple of fevered activity was initiated this morning when the word was spread "Ormerod's" coming.
At the "lower deck" level we have another name for him! - - - .  He's some kind of "Area Manager" and stalks around the shop with his "retinue" pointing at this and commenting on that.  One thing he never appears to do is "talk to the troops"
In the 5 years I have been there I have seen him a number of times but have yet to be acknowledged let alone spoken to! - - -

On a lighter note the new Bakery Manager, "lets call him Dave" has OCD (Obsessive-compulsive disorder).  There's a good description of the condition On Wiki here Daves condition is he cant just leave anything as it is.  He's changed the layout of the bread and cake isle to some degree and our bit of the warehouse which always looks a tip is now subjected to a "Dave Scourge" at least a couple of times a day.
Ah well as long as it keeps him happy - - -

Tomorrow weather permitting I will try a bit of logging, I need to tidy up a hillside of dumped logs.  Help! am I an OCD?  lol - - -

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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