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Saturday 21 December 2013

Winter Solstice day & a bit of waterproofing

Just musing at the date today 21st Dec being the winter solstice in effect the shortest (daylight) day of the year.  I was sharply reminded by Sally that on this date in February 2014 we will be descending to land at Male in the Maldives for our holiday there! - - -

Great train robber dies says the Sky News story and his death is covered in most of the media.  Back in 1963 at the time of the robbery he was one of the gang who stole the equivalent of £40m in todays money. Through their stupidity most of the gang were caught but Biggs escaped form prison and fled to Brazil.
Here he is still poking 2 fingers at society at the funeral of Bruce Reynolds who allegedly masterminded the robbery  - - -

Still on a money theme we are being told that our Banknotes are to be plastic from 2016
No doubt during the development stage a couple of million pounds will have been spent making sure they are bio degradable in line with some EU edict?!   lol

Yet another money story from the Mail about 2 ex Judges pocketing legal aid money oh what a surprise, shock horror!  These 2 jokers on the left allegedly stole £1.5m of legal aid money, sorry not stole "misused" it.  Once proven they were struck off the solicitors roll.
However that was 3 years ago and in that time they have still been able act as Judges!!!!!!

Stuart Turner, at left here says he would "like to say sorry to the taxpayer"

A tory MP quoted in the story says "We have a serious problem in this country when it comes to quality control with judges.  Mmmmmm - - -

Another doggy story here though and quite a brave dog at that.  It was guide dog to the rescue when his master fell unconscious onto a subway line in New York.
The dog jumped down onto the line attempting to bring the bloke round by nudging and licking him.  A train passed over them but neither were seriously injured.  The twist in the story was that the dog was due to be replaced by a younger one early next year.  A campaign though has collected enough money for the old boy to be looked after in his retirement withv his current master.

nearer to home
We knew the day yesterday was not forecast to be anything special so set to on a job that needed a quick resolution.  We store extra wood for our log burner in the car port reserved for Boris, Sally's beloved Land Rover Defender.
The wall at the end is a retaining wall for the garden and lets through the moisture and some of the stored wood had got quite wet this year.
We tacked up some waterproof sheeting yesterday
The wood in the pic we carried down from the garden it being the remains of the hawthorn and the apple tree - - -

We had a little helper, Sainsbury who kept us amused racing around the garden while we were out there.
Here he is on top of my van assessing the chances of jumping from there up onto the carport roof. - - - he did make it! The blue skies were soon replaced with clouds rain and strong winds!

Enjoy the day
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Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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