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Saturday 28 December 2013

sad dog story & shop antics

Dog lies next to dead dog in China

Rather a sad little tale this one, a dog is run over on a busy Chinese road but its companion refuses to leave its side
Eventually someone removes the dead canine from the road and buries it nearby, but the fate of the "good samaritan dog" is unknown

Our UK weather is still misbehaving and this story warns of more to come before New Year  
Flooded house in Yalding More rain and high winds seem to be the order of the next few days!

I have long held a belief that the RSPCA has a "hidden agenda" and is run by a bunch of lunatics.  Its been a long time since I tossed a coin at any of their "tin shakers" who regularly appear on the streets.
here's an interesting pitch
Controversial: The RSPCA were criticised earlier this year for private prosecutions they brought against hunts in the UK (file picture)From the boss of the "countryside alliance" ok it might be a bit biased but its getting near to the truth methinks! - - -

Nearer to home.
Down at the fun factory (Matlock Sainsbugs) we have cast off the shackles of Christmas and are now firmly in the "Jan Sale" mode.  Hundreds of boxes of sale items with far eastern origins are being opened and displayed upon the shelves.
We are down to a handful of Christmas puddings and no doubt before New Year they will be reduced to pennies to clear the shelves.

The new bakery boss, "Lets call him Dave" really is a busy bee!  I have mentioned his OCD obsession and it is grating a tad with him whirling like a demented dervish around warehouse, bakery and isle in equal measures.
He is no doubt popular with the management bending the corporate knee and he's a likeable enough chap - - - but - - - there's always a but isn't there?  He seems devoid of any humour unless its about "the shop" and a few colleagues have mentioned he doesn't talk much when he's in the canteen.  Hey ho, as Sally always says "If we were all the same life would be incredibly boring!"

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam


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