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Sunday 22 December 2013

Snow on xmas day & this and that

Ok thats the shortest day over with so its downhill from here back to the light mornings!  well a couple of minutes lighter each day at least

The daily express is not alone saying its going to be a white Christmas, this is yesterdays headline and today the Metro tells us the odds are down to 5 to 1
Looking outside a little while ago with the rain whipping along almost horizontally it looks unlikely

An angelologist!   What the!  The Sky News headline reads "Angels exist but have no wings".  Father Renzo Lavatori (you can imagine him having a tough time at school hey!) a Catholic church Angelologist says "you dont see angels so much as feel their presence - they are like sunlight that refracts on you through a crystal vase.
I rather like the chubby cherub with the wings thank you.
Father Lavatory has another string to his bow - - he's also a demonologist - - - "nice money if you can get it"

dancing traffic cop I'm sure its fascinating to see but all we get is the same old story every year of this, now retired old guy prancing about whilst directing the traffic.  He started doing it after 2 years of waving his arms around because "he got bored"  I remember a saying from a General I greatly admired in the Army.  "Only boring people get bored"  Fits a treat here methinks - - - lol

  wine shortage
I remember reading not long ago a story about a "global wine shortage" just after I sold all the wine I had bought years ago "as an investment" which it turned out not to be, in a BIG way.
Anyway, I digress it turns out the story was lets say (allegedly) "invented" by the Research Division (?) of Morgan Stanley (Australia) who coincidently at the time  were "promoting an Australian wine company as a top stock to buy".  It just go's to show "he who shouts loudest may not be right but at least he gets noticed

I see reports of the death of David Coleman the "well liked" sports reporter who like many others seems to have been with us "forever".  There are others though who also seem to have been with us forever who are not so popular.

One of those, for me at least is Heather Mills  here she is in this story ranting on about what she did or didnt say to a skiing official who told her that her boots were not "official" and would have to be changed.
The story includes a 6 minute video, no doubt a classical "Mills Rant" which I couldn't be bothered even watching.  Catch up girl! live with it!

On the other hand though Nigella Lawson the TV cook, notice I don't use the word chef,
has been going through the wringer lately.  She's someone I can relate to and she could scramble me a couple of eggs any-day.
 In this story though she says "I will survive this"  and there's more than a hint of her "plotting her revenge"  - - - go girl "illegitmi non carborondum"
I called her a cook, as she herself describes her "act" rather than a chef because I find it difficult to heap accolades upon, it has to be said, mainly blokes on the TV who boil an egg and expect applause!  lol

Closer to home
On a blustery day yesterday I did a quick hour sawing up the recently felled trees and reduced the pile even further
Here's a pic as I was leaving having noticed on this "the shortest day" that the sun struggled to barely rise above the hill to my right.

Here's a touch of irony though, as I took the pic above I noticed a group of mushrooms growing out of the middle of a tree stump up on the hill in the background 
I remembered the tree was completely dead when I felled it not long ago and these Flammulina Velutipes fungi growing directly out of the middle of the 14 year old stump probably were the cause of its demise!  

In the garden we did yet another bit of clearing up from the shed move and formulated a project to build an elevated piece of decking outside its new location. The view from up there should be pretty good if you ignore the houses directly to the front!

Enjoy the day
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