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Tuesday 10 December 2013

Minus 94.7c now that's cold & we move a shed!

A satellite has recorded a temperature on earth in Antarctica of (just how do they do that?) -94.7 now that is cold!
The Sky News story quotes scientists as indicating the temperature reading taken in 2010 veat the previous record of -89.2c.  More like you'd see on Mars on a nice summers day quotes another.  Apparently scientists in Antarctica routinely dash naked out into -73 as a stunt but also in the name of research - - -  No thank you!

I read the other day that a youngster bought an XBOX ONE on ebay only to find it was just a picture of one even though he paid £450 for it.
All sold out in the UK the 19 year old was desperate to purchase one for his 4 year old son (- - - !?) for Christmas.  A CEX outlet in Nottingham, the Metro story relates  rode across the horizon and supplied the machine.  The assisstant manger is quoted as saying "We as a company are always looking to do a good thing for someone"  - - - Now where did I put that pic of the Ferrari?  

Maybe secretly the young guy above is part of the Spy syndicate who readily play the latest games in order to search out terrorists who use the games to communicate?
 Sky news carry the story  and it has some interesting facts - - - what a ploy just to play games in the company's time!!!  - - -

Here's another of those cant quite believe how "dopey some people are" stories.   Fearless diver enjoys feeds sharks by hand says the Metro story
Ok swimming around with your head underwater looking at what's going on has been a feature of our Maldive holidays for some time. However, feeding sharks of any kind is discouraged there and maybe, just maybe this accounts for no-one having been bitten by one - - - so far.  The loony is quoted as saying "the main thing is always to be cautious, swim slowly without splashing and jerky movements"
Try googling "Tiger Bay Shark Attacks"  - - -

Closer to home
After buying the second bit of land from http://peakorganics.org.uk/ to extend our garden we decided to make it our "service area".  So as a first project we determined to move the garden shed form one of our terraces over into the new bit.
I have to admit it wasn't something I had relished because of course the thing is full of (interesting coveted items, Sally!) junk, and it all has to be piled up before the shed can be dismantled and moved before screwing it all together again.
I had done it once before back in 2009 moving it from our parking area up onto the garden terrace and remember the loooong arduous daily fondly.
The weather was with us so we st to with the help of a neighbour, Alan, and things went well, until my electric screwdriver battery died and I looked forlornly at the pile of shed contents, not remebering where i had put it.
The shed is hiding behind the trellis in this pic and the idea is to move it up and back to the extreme left of this pic.
Levelling the area for the base was difficult due to the amount of rubble in the ground
Off comes the roof
Followed reasonably swiftly by the other bits.  Naturally to make things difficult you need to get the base of the shed down first so its a balancing act of pieces around the garden to achieve this
Just adding a couple more breeze blocks from the old location to complete the hard standing for the base.
Ta dah!  Great team effort!

Today then is a combination of putting all my (priceless artefacts) junk back in there and re-felting the roof.
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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