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Wednesday 11 December 2013

Comic relief excec gets foot in mouth disease & back to work tmw

Shock and horror as we all see our comic relief donations being invested in the very things the money is trying to stop
It seems the cheesy videos we see on the Comic Relief fund raiser are a bit of a sham as the Mail story tells us some of the money is invested in "booze bombs and fags funds".  The foot in mouth disease bit comes from the chief excec pictured above receiving his CBE was initially defending the investments.  Maybe he should be told where to stick his CBE - - - in an envelope back to where it came from!

Oooops! said the policeman as he ran into the back of a Ferrari! covered in this Sky News story
I'm being really old fashioned here but Ferrari's should always be "RED"  so I guess MNS6 whoever he/she might be probably deserved the shunt!
Not So! says Justin Bieber although he seems unable to decide which colour to have his Ferrari 458  according to this Mail story
He's changed the colour of the one in the pic "3 times this year!"  It was originally White (no taste at all!) then Ice Blue, (what was he thinking of?) Now its black pictured above being delivered to his home (Well not too bad but when is it going to be RED!)
Dont even think about how much all this is costing because to a "Super star" like him it matters not.  What really matters is getting noticed - - - which I'm sure he does when he go's out in the "jewel in his sports car crown collection"
A chrome Fiska Karma!!??  - - - nice pics in the story! - - -

Closer to home
We have had a busy 3 days putting up fences sawing down half the apple tree and finally the moving of the shed so today is a bit of a "rest day".  Its time to clear away all the rubbish left behind from the shed move.  There's the UK Christmas cards to complete and this afternoon burn off all the left over twigs and branches from the apple tree felling.

My last set of shifts before Christmas start at the Fun Factory (Matlock Sainsbugs!) tomorrow with some, no doubt, challenging customer encounters to be dealt with.
On my visits to the shop I have noticed some of the staff are sporting the latest trend in "Christmas jumpers".  The site of one of the managers, "lets call him Craig" with his snowman motif sporting a sticking out carrot for the snowmans nose was "too much" for me!
The new bakery boss, "lets call him Dave" is sweeping clean as "New Brooms" tend to do. He has been with us long enough now for the Matlock store idiosyncrasies to bite and seems as frustrated as any other of the managers! Someone asked me the other day if he was "better than TracEy" our last boss.  My reply?  "Same old balls different racket"

Anyway talking of brooms lets get this rubbish cleared away.

Enjoy the day
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