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Thursday 2 January 2014

We have a sink hole & there's a BAD BOY in the bakery!

A hole has appeared in a Derbyshire field where an old lead mine has caved in after the heavy rains.  Quite a few good pics in the story.  A local caver  reports it to have grown by 10% soon after it was discovered on by a walker on Christmas day.

Force of nature: A field has disappeared into a giant sink hole at Foolow in the Peak District after a former mine failed to cope with days of persistent heavy rainRural idyll: With the rolling Peak District in the background, the 130ft deep and 160ft wide gash in the landscape has appeared overnight after the earth beneath it collapsed

An Exploding freight train in North Dakota provide a dramatic and impressive video of one rail truck full of crude oil exploding!

 A fireball is sent high into the sky after a train derailed in North Dakota.

Here's a bit of a twist on cash machine crime. In the early days of cash machines criminals would just use a mechanical digger to wreck the brick surround and make off with the whole machine.  Lately there have been a number of attacks with petrol being poured into the machines which have then exploded and showered the wood be robbers in cash.
This new method involves somehow getting inside the machine and installing a USB stick with the robbers own codes which instruct the machine to spew out the cash.  Worth a read - - -
Woman at cash machine

This is yet another sorry tale of a Bitcoin Bungler A reporter was carrying out an experiment on the Bitcoin world and installed the app on a phone.  Some time later he transferred his bitcoin wallet onto a different phone, one he had been given only to offer it to a charity auction not long after.
To compound his "idiocy" he had wiped the phone back to its original settings before handing it over.
So he lost a potential £400, nothing though compared to an investor who reportedly lost 7000 of them worth around £3.7m!! -- - - The first rule of bitcoin investment therefore should be, "engage brain before continuing!" - - -
Bitcoin app

Closer to home
Happy New Year by the way, at my tender age I find it hard to distance myself from reality enough to throw myself, "into the spirit!" if you know what I mean. So on the 31st Dec 2013 after medium consumption of alcohol we disappeared off to bed at 2100.
My "New Year Spirit" though was fired into action as a few minutes before midnight, I needed to pee, "its an age thing you understand!"
So "pointing percy at the porcelain" I welcomed in 2014 and with the local fireworks a distant barrage of noise I trooped off back to bed.

2013 wasn't a bad year really early snow and quite cold temperatures made us realise "global warming" was a load of old tosh.

We did however have a fantastic summer and took every advantage by spending a lot of time in our lovely garden.

The garden got bigger through the acquisition of 2 parcels of land at the top end, so the pic from the bottom of the garden to the top has changed a little. 
 This view in May 

This view 31 Dec

We will be developing the new bit during the course of the next few months!
The year had a little dampener for us at the death of Tom our faithful old Cat who had been with us for almost 17 years but we remember him fondly rather than sadly.
Here he is firmly in top spot with his old mate "grumpy" whom he has now joined at the top of the garden.

Grasping the 2014 nettle by the throat I wandered off for my last shift in the current pattern at 06:45 to the fun factory (Sainsbugs Matlock) with a spring in my step on New Years Day.  Only to be confronted by a number of "colleagues" who had obviously left their "spring" back at some New Years Party.  A small number were looking rough even as I left 8 hours later.
No bread delivery on New Years Day but displays to make up of "promotions" meant there was "some work" to be done.  "Chocolate cake at 90% reduction!" I heard, even with my dodgy ears as a commercial colleague, "lets call her Jane" scooped up one of the "Belgian Chocolate and Caramel cakes", formerly £15 now £1.50.
The display was completely empty 5 minutes later as it was attacked from all sides. The shop was not even open yet!

Strange that there were an alarming number of "managers" around on such a quiet day.  It became clear though that they were in to sort all the ex Christmas displays into "Jan Sale" displays.  It was a heart-warming site to see them all beetling away, and I beetled accordingly.

Around 13:00 I noticed the lights off in the bakery and a, well, crudely written sign on the counter proclaiming, Bakery Closed.  The strains of  the song, "there maybe trouble ahead" sprang into my mind and I decided it was time for one of my "15 minute statutory breaks" and scuttled off to the canteen.

The bakery colleague, "lets call him Matt" was already there and proclaiming his action of closing the bakery as, "what else could I do I'm entitled to a break" (or words to that effect).  The "situation" had arisen that he was the only one in the Bakery due to "hours".

Its a phenomenon of Sainsbugs that a department will not be given the same number of colleague hours from week to week.  Frankly its something I have never understood nor have determined to find out about.  Anyway it transpired that the colleague, "lets call him Matt" was alone in the Bakery and decided to take his lunch break.  To stop customers wandering into the Bakery he had put the sign on the counter and turned off the lights.

With so many "managers" about the "maybe trouble ahead" point was soon actioned! 2 managers opened the canteen door and called across the room to make it obvious that the sign should not be there nor the bakery closed!  (details are censored!)

Methinks further questions will be asked when the bakery manager, "lets call him Dave" returns tomorrow.
What is slightly amusing about this whole tale is that the "Bakery Closed" sign is regularly used by the late night colleagues, "lets call the overworked" so that they can complete their allotted tasks.   - - - Altogether now "there maybe trouble ahead"

The Belgian Chocolate with Caramel cake was well worth the £1.50 price tag!

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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