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Thursday 9 January 2014

Prairie dog Mexican wave! & £100 for a car key? No no no!

Quite a funny video to start the blog today definitely worth a look.
Prairie dogs 

Great white
This is a bit of a sad legacy story! The age of great white sharks has been discovered to be longer than originally thought by looking for a "radioactive marker" .  This had found to be present in some animals and can only have come form particular "bomb tests" in the 1950s and 60s.  

Doctors and academics say levels must be reduced by up to 30 per cent to halt a wave of disease and death"sugar is the new tobacco" according to the nanny academics and doctors responsible for this story.
There's a bewildering array of data to tell us how many spoonfuls of sugar this and that has in it. Maybe in another 6 months someone will find that sugar is a miracle cure for almost everything!!! - - - -

I mentioned losing the spare key to my little white van "Cyril" so yesterday i went ac ross to Chesterfield to a locksmith to get a replacement.  After a brief chat it turns out it will cost me £70! holding onto my surprise I listened while the young man mentioned he would need "the pin".

I repeated that I didn't want a key with the central locking bodger on it but he said he needed the pin to copy the key or the new one would only open the door but not start the van.  I cant imagine how "they" programme a blank key but there we are! I had taken along all of Cyril's docs but we couldn't find a "pin" in there.  The young man mentioned i could get the "pin" from the local dealer but that would cost me £30!  total for a key then would be £100 oh no no no!

I retuned home and told the sorry "expensive" tale to Sally and determined to have one "last look" for the thing. I had checked every coat and bag before but when I came to one bag of Sally's I couldn't get my hand into the top so felt around the outside of it.  Viola! the shape of a key with key ring etc.
I took the bag off the hook and felt inside it, no key!  the key had been put into a small pocket on the outside of the bag by Sally and was missed by me on my original search. "Result!"  

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