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Sunday 12 January 2014

French: You cant ski here! & its a Sunday

I'd heard some mumblings about the French  objecting to British ski guides wandering around their pistes with groups of tourists in tow.  Even the French courts had declared the informal on piste tours illegal! 
 Ski hosting row

So if you are intending to go to France ski-ing don't go around in more than groups of 3 - - - morons!

Woman looks shocked at what's on the computerOn line dating has always been something I have wondered why people do it.  Horror stories abound and some of the saddo's who actually do form relationships are surely doing it for an "ulterior motive?" Anyway if you, like me are not "au fait" with all the "shorthand" the story is worth a read just for the laughs!

The politically correct gang are to the fore in this story .  A Taxi firm in Teeside have declared they will no longer carry disabled passengers.

The beef is that a (single) disabled person who orders a (8 seater)  minbus, presumably because the wheelchair go's a well is charged for a minbus.  The taxi boss is aware that charging a disabled person for a minibus rather than a taxi is "against the law" under the 2010 equality act!
The local "Deputy Mayor" pipes up and says companies "have a moral obligation to to treat everybody the same"  But hang on a minute. If a (single) non disabled person hired an 8 seater minibus they would get charged for a minibus?  OK a bit tongue in cheek there but these guys are running a business not a charity !!!  - - -

Nearer to home
It was a frosty start! this morning with the expected overnight temps plunging early yesterday evening
 The garden had the usual "frosting", thankfully the pond didn't freeze, note to self: think about fitting one of the heater probes!
The frost on our lakeland slate pile looked particularly nice as the sun struggled to get rid of it.  The frost eventually did go but was replaced by a load of cloud and by 1630 it was raining, so back to normal!

Down at the Fun Factory (Matlock Sainsbugs) the shift wandered along with the usual challenges and only one customer perplexed" me a little.
A lady customer was looking at the shelves and turned to look at me as I passed and asked, "do you have Warburtons thins"  To my mind she had been looking at them before speaking to me but I pointed them out politely and moved on but kept an eye on her.  She picked one of the wholemeal "thins" packets up, looked at it briefly and then put it back on the shelf and walked away?   Uh?  - - -

Enjoy the day
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