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Saturday 18 January 2014

Use the fridge to check your E mails! & decking base complete


With the ever increasing number of items connected to the internet this story is worth a read.  These "items" include "your fridge" which from the story has been used to send spam e mails amongst other things - - - Fridge connected to the internet? - - - must be my age! - - -

With the seemingly endless number of "celebrities"  gracing our newspapers with their "sins" of years gone by catching them up the catholic church grabs a "piece of the action" in this report.
The report details the former pope's defrocking of 400 priests in "only" 2 years while in office.  The cloak of deceit however is in the 3rd to last paragraph where the "church" denies access to "the data" by the UN's "rights of the child" organisation because the request is not part of legal proceedings - - - shameful!

Here's an interesting tale with headline of "is our sun falling silent" Lots of scientific "mumbo jumbo" I know but there is reference to this "type of inactivity" producing some bitterly cold winters back in the 17th century.
Another claim though that the northern lights will "dim" (great video of northern lights on the story) due to the inactivity seems to be "off beam" due to the fact that a couple of weeks ago they were so "active" they could be seen in places which normally have no chance of a peek at them - - - Like I said, "mumbo jumbo" lol

Closer to home
The "mud wallow" decking site as I have now begun to call it is coming along nicely.  Yesterdays labours were only interrupted by a lunchtime excursion with the delightful work colleague and friend Deb's.  Her quest for a "soul mate" have recently taken a setback but she remains philosophical about the recent encounter! - - -
In the gathering gloom of late afternoon though I finally completed the base prep for the "multi level" decking on the Northernmost piece of "our estate".
The higher of the 2 decks has a piece of black plastic under it in the hope the grass and weeds will be discouraged.  I had hoped to complete the same on the lower one but the light faded before I managed it
Today's weather looks a little on the showery side but I shall attempt to complete that plastic laying task at least so that it can be all "hands to the pumps" to get the decking tops on! - - - watch this space!

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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