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Wednesday 8 January 2014

Non swimmer lucky to be alive & its all about the weather

Non-swimmer 'clings to coffin lid' for two days at sea

Lucky to be alive! Tseng Lien-fa a non swimmer by the way was swept from a beach in Taiwan while catching baby eals.  He manages to get hold of a "wooden coffin lid", although other versions of the story say "piece of wood".
He somehow manages to survive 60 hours in the sea and is washed up on a beach 46 miles away - - - amazing

Struggle: Villagers have been left to fend for themselves with most of the surrounding main roads being blocked by rain water

The headline reads a little oddly on this one. "Paul Harris wades through 10ft deep water as he visits community isolated for 4 days"He must be the tallest man in the world then!"

Its all about the weather though! the village of Muchelney on the Somerset levels has been cut of by the floods from recent rain. By the looks of the excellent pics on the story it will remain so for a while.
The site of the rock arch at Porthcothan Bay which has been destroyed by the recent storms (Lt) and pictured before the storms hit

The forecasters predictions are still showing no signs of a change in the weather pattern as we recover from previous downpours! Our coastline is obviously taking a battering and this link shows some of the tremendous damage

Closer to home
I wasn't relishing my days volunteering on the Peak Organics project yesterday.  The weather did for the most part remain dry although the sky looked threatening throughout
I had bumped into Jenny, one of the organisers who was about to jet off to the nice weather in Greece for a while!  She mentioned clearing the tree stumps and a couple of old metal washing line poles to make way for a poly tunnel.
The pic shows the 2 poles and one tree stump having been removed.  It has to be said the roots of 80% of the tree's were quite shallow so the job turned  out not to be too difficult to remove them! - - -

I spent sometime in the afternoon wandering around Bakewell in the cold wind driven rain waiting for Sally to have her eyes tested before it was my turn.
The Optometrist had a new gadget which took a pic of the inside of your eye and then displayed it on a laptop!  I was surprised to be told I had very healthy eyes and the configuration of my "veins and arteries" showed my blood pressure was not high.  Amazing what they can tell you from looking into your ey! - - -

We have given up trying to find the spare keys to Cyril my little white van so a job for today is to visit the local locksmith in an attempt to get the remaining key copied.  I'm told a "dealership" replacement will be frighteningly expensive but our local garage assures me your average key cutting shop has the technology to do it nowadays - - - no doubt the missing key will "appear" once the replacement is cut - - -

Finally - our sky broadband is giving us a few "offline" moments now and again so apologies if anyone is attempting to access our website and getting a blank!

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website

Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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