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Saturday 4 January 2014

Yet another Spider story! & I'm Flushed with success!

Video: Vine spider invasion is the most terrifying video you will see today

Even if you don't mind spiders this video video is scary!  What looks like a piece of black hair explodes into a running mass of spiders!  There's also a link in the story to spiders from Sri Lanka  as big as your face!

There's been coverage of the cruise ship stuck down under in the Antarctic ice and of the dramatic helicopter rescue of its passengers.  Now the story continues with the Xue Long rescue vessel, who's helicopter supervised the rescue also getting stuck. - - - could be there for a while
Xue Long photographed by Rob Burch

It would appear that the Taiwanese love those little yellow rubber ducks .  So much so that they make giant versions of them.  They have however had a couple of them deflate in a big way.  Clink on the link above to see the latest "going down!"

I never knew there was a Guinness world record for firework displays?! the one celebrating the 2014 New Year in Dubai has however claimed the prize using more than half a million fireworks.  The video is worth watching.
Fireworks explode over Palm Jumeirah in Dubai, on Jan 1, 2014, to celebrate the new year. Dubai shattered the world record for the largest ever pyrotechnic display on New Year's Eve with a show involving more than half a million fireworks, Guinness World Records said Wednesday, on Jan 1, 2014. -- PHOTO: AFP

Nearer to home
Yesterday I had to attempt one of those repair jobs you know could go horribly wrong and end up being "expensive"
Our toilet has for a while been flushing rather slowly as if the clean water pipe at the top of the bowl had a small blockage.  The only way to see what the problem is was to "strip it all down".  The whole shooting match has been there for probably 20 years and all the threads are plastic - - - you get the story.
In my "busy Itinerary" for the day I had allotted a "large window" and already sussed out spares online in case of the "cock up factor" emerging.

As luck would have it we can turn of the water supply at the toilet so at least during the repair the whole house wouldn't be high and dry.  Armed with all the required tools I set to. 20 minutes later I had it stripped down and could not immediately see the problem and was thinking "replacement" might be the answer.
Feeling around the back of the water entry into the bowl I could feel what I thought was a washer and thought I had discovered the culprit.  On withdrawing the item it tuned out to be one of those elasticated fabric covered hair bands!
It must have been on top of the cistern at one time and fallen down the back and eventually into the water when the top was removed, in the end it went down the pipe and this was causing the problem.

"Flushed with success (sorry!) I carefully re-assembled the whole thing and sure enough the job was done.

Having time on my hands I then completed a couple of other tasks and Sally and I got talking about our latest gardening project.
We want to put decking on our new patch in front of the shed along with a Laurel hedge in front of that. After a brief look online we found a design and ventured forth into the garden with the tape measure!

Some time later having ordered the decking I mused that it would have been cheaper to have had my head down the toilet the whole day. - - - ambitious project though!
The "cunning plan" part is that we hope to have it done by the time the hols come around on the 21st of Feb.  Weather permitting!!!!!

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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