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Monday 6 January 2014

Turning Scottish overnight! & garden project work

Canadian mother wakes up from horse riding accident with Scottish accent
Here's a strange story of a Canadian woman Sharon Campbell-Rayment who out riding a horse falls from it injures herself and then wakes up with a Scottish accent!
The doctors treating her claim she might lose the accent overnight or it might remain with her for life - - - note to self: Dont ride horses!

Airbus pilot claims near-miss with UFO near HeathrowI think this one has to be a wind up? An airbus pilot flying near Heathrow Airport claims to have nearly been hit by a UFO.  He reported the incident immediately but Heathrow had no indication that anything was near the aircraft.
The picture alongside the story, at left here, doesn't exactly get claimed as the UFO but you would have thought "they" would have airbrushed the trees out of the shot if it was meant to have been taken from the aircraft?

Daily Express

I do like to wind up about the headlines appearing on the front of the Daily Express as they tend to be a little outrageous.  Today there's no miracle cure unless you think losing 7lbs of your xmas excess in a week is one!
Our stormy weather provokes a headline of "Flood ravaged Britain hit by more violent storms" and looking further afield it would appear we are dead in line for more evil weather.
The main headline though of "Migrants Face Benefits Ban" was a welcome one until you read on and find out that it means a ban on a migrant over here claiming benefits for his/her families back in whatever country he/she came from! does seem a little "over generous!"
The meat of the story  makes it plain that the PM is "Making clear his outrage at the system" Lets hope he acts quickly to stop it!! - - - -

Closer to home
As part of our winter garden project we managed to move the greenhouse back to its new position without dismantling it yesterday.  It has polycarbon windows so it was amazingly light and easy to move.
Here it is in its original position covered in frost 
I looked up and was hoping the move wasn't going just to be pie in the sky! 
Here Sally makes light of the teetering structure 
In no time at all we had it in position, getting it level and re-positioning the bird feeders took a little time but all in all a successful move!  We managed to just beat the  rain as it started as i was clearing up. 

Today's job is to move a couple of plants hanging off the old pergola and then take it down and reduce it to firewood in preparation for the delivery of the new decking.  

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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