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Monday 20 January 2014

Jamaican bobsleigh team?! & decking antics

Jamaican bobsleigh team near Olympic dream - but are too broke to get there
The film "Cool Runnings" immediately springs to mind when you see or hear the phrase Jamaican Bobsleigh Team 
It would appear though that the unlikely idea of a Team from Jamaica competing in the next Winter Olympics might just be a pipe dream if the 2 man Team cannot get some much needed funding.  With only a little over 2 weeks to go before the games begin the £25k they need seems it all might just end in tears - - -
The stunning images, including this one of Hambridge Road totally underwater, were taken by photographer Matilda Temperley whose family live and work in the area

Woman stretching happily on the left, man yawning on the right
The tales of our wet winter continue to make the newspapers.  This Mail article is however accompanied by pics from photographer Matilda Temperley who lives and works in the Somerset area affected by the floods - - -

Generals on horseback

Lark or an Owl ? asks this BBC article about how you wake up in the morning or can stay up late at night
The theory is that "its in your genes", isnt everything!!!.  You can however adjust your own trait to cope with having babies who obviously have no intention of falling in with your idea of Lark or Owl! - - - lots of facts in the story - - enough to send you to sleep!

A number of the "horrors" of the First World War are debunked in this BBC story
I'm sure lots of us have seen the programmes and films of the conflict but the facts of this article indicate it "wasnt as bad as its portrayed! Not something you would like to experience yourself though! - - -

Red wine and chocolate can beat diabetes says this Sky News article, its on the front page of the Daily Express as well so it must be true! lol
Daily Express front pageBoth items it appears have plenty of "flavanoids" which help in type 2 diabetes help the body to regulate sugar levels.  Once again lots of facts in the article - - - I'm all in favour of those "falvanoids" though! - - -

Closer to home
The weather was once again with us and the decking project proceeded apace!
Here Sally finishes off the securing of the deck boards
While a little later in the day as the sun prepares to dip below the valley rim I test drive a glass of red wine brimming with "flavanoids!"
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  the streaming birdfeeder cam

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